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  1. IXOYE

    Fox farm ocean forest soil

    FFOF is a God send. Some folks who mix in perlite may live in a more humid environment than I do. That being said I do put stones at the bottom of my planter to allow for drainage. I've used a lot of soils and FFOF will not disappoint you. I'd say save your dollars and leave it the way it...
  2. IXOYE

    Finished stealth wardrobe box!!

    Strip the wires on the fan. Find a power supply (old cell phone chargers are good), strip the wires on that. Match up the colored wires-twist-seal with electrical tape or caps. Plug in. As for that box!? I used foam-core plastered in mylar while my plants were in their first month but the...
  3. IXOYE

    calcium magnesium problem??

    Mine were in 4th weeks with similar issues. I thought it was calmag at first but flushed them first to be certain it wasn't nute burn. Glad I flushed cos now they're doing fine and back on their FF schedule. But I was prepared to treat the calmag def. if that's what it was - turned out not to be.
  4. IXOYE

    White Widow Middle of 7th Week flower: how much longer?

    grenade is right - wait, so looks like she can plump up a bit
  5. IXOYE

    Coast to Coast AM

    Ah, it was DARPA (DARPA's bitchin' I could see it.): "Project Pegasus was the classified, defense-related research and development program under the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in which the US defense-technical community achieved time travel on behalf of the US government...
  6. IXOYE

    Coast to Coast AM

    Oh yeah that is good stuff. I'm kinda' obsessed with time travel. This Guy Andrew Basiago... pretty trippy too. He was on with Noory claiming when he was a child he was sent around time by a CIA or NSA style agency.
  7. IXOYE

    Coast to Coast AM

    The guy from the future? Is that the fella from project pegasus?
  8. IXOYE

    Just eaten my first omlette!

    Hey Crypt - tilamook's sharp ched or pepper jack. Kind of a boring answer but they're better than all the fancy stuff ever though the fancy stuff has it's place I can't put it in everything from eggs to tacos to crackers ya' know. As for fluffy eggs...I mix my raw eggs with a dash of milk...
  9. IXOYE

    Edibles Are Not To Be Trifled With...

    Like Dean Martin said "You're not drunk if you can lay on the floor without holding on." Edibles take a lot longer to hit than a bowl does. I'm sure you realize this as it sounds like you were just absent mindegly munching - but for everyone else remember that: edibles take a lot longer to...
  10. IXOYE

    a problem harvesting at different times?

    THCammo is so right. Imagine your girl in a natural setting. If a deer comes along and munches on some buds the plant isn't gon'na die. The plant still wants to find a mate and is gon'na pull out all the stops to get pregnant even if an animal does come along for a snack. My lower buds tend...
  11. IXOYE

    Soil Flush Help from all you pot gurus

    I'm about deduction and try the flush first (for fear of making problems worse with a miss diagnosis). I had to flush a week or so back and was flat broke for my distilled water so I took a roll of the dice and flushed with my town's chlorine ridden, fluoridated isht tap-water. They sprung...
  12. IXOYE

    New High Times Suggests Harvesting Earlier...RIU Rejoice!

    What does "more potent" mean to the good Dr. Mahlberg? My plants are a month into flower - all clear trichs of course - and I sampled/quick dried with my vape. The high was very nice, creative, busy bee kinda' high. But I agree with Tardis there was kinda' a "hung over" feel the next morning...
  13. IXOYE

    Someone HELP!!!

    You're gon'na need a lot for 8 plants. Go the fluorescent way - that way you can get a 2, 3 or 4 foot dual lamp fixture and hang it a couple inches above them...all rowed up simple, easy and plenty of light. I vegged with two dual-T8s in shop fixtures (total cost me $40 for the two fixtures...
  14. IXOYE

    Best Movie To Watch While High!

    Blues Brothers Half Baked Alex Jones Movies
  15. IXOYE

    Ona Block Question

    As per your questions, Sorry Moonlight, "Is your filter broken"? Well I dun'no. How do you know you're picking up the scent from the filter and not directly from the ona block?
  16. IXOYE

    Ona Block Question

    I'm a month into flower and I thought I'd need a better odor control system by now, but my $15 hamilton beach "trueair" activated carbon filter from walmart just keeps on trucking. I also tied up a half a panty-hose leg with some activated carbon from the aquarium aisle and then tied that next...
  17. IXOYE

    Someone HELP!!!

    Yes people do put thoughts into their posts. You are right, the light can be putting off too much heat, also HPS is the wrong spectrum (red) when you're trying to imitate "spring" (blue) the seedling thinks its late summer or early fall with an HPS on it and is giving up, like "Phuck I sprouted...
  18. IXOYE

    Someone HELP!!!

    as everyone has said, HPS is too hard core for the beginning - you are gon'na LOVE it when it's time to flower. But for now go get some CFLs or fluros (I started with t8s a fixture + bulbs was about $20)
  19. IXOYE

    West Coast Chronic Vs East Coast Chronic???

    I can't speak for the entire east coast -- I'm sure there's great stuff in the south. But when I lived in Brooklyn that isht was a joke. Guys would pull out little glass bottles with a proclaimed "hydro" bud in 'em. And it would just be high grade schwag. I'd sling a lill at hipster parties...
  20. IXOYE

    Coast to Coast A.M. On Oil Spill

    Hey Dolce come hang with us: