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  1. IXOYE

    Coast to Coast on Friday

    Hey Ruiner comes hang out with us: ...I've heard those "alien implant" shows and they make me wonder if its a "manchurian candidate" kind of thing. Hey who's in your avatar. So yeh dig the c2c thread.
  2. IXOYE

    Coast to Coast AM

    Bummer about Art Bell going away again. I keep hoping this is just another rest-bit, I mean he went through a lot of trouble getting his antennas up in Manila. It'd be great if he did his own program again. I dig Noory and the other guy's alright but Art was a lot more eerie and less...
  3. IXOYE

    Coast to Coast AM

    true. (and RiP.)
  4. IXOYE

    Coast to Coast AM

    There's got'ta be a few coast-to-coasters out here! It's such a great program to smoke with. I'm all about driving out to BFE, tuning in, lighting up and watching the stars for a few hours...anyone else?
  5. IXOYE

    Loose women!

    There's a tv show called "Loose Women"? In the uS??? If it's anything like anything on tv then it sucks. This thread has been funny. Got'ta say, I make a damn good sandwich I can form opinions on interesting things (like sex). (And I can rattle the isht out of a speed bag.)
  6. IXOYE

    Laced weed: urban myth?

    Some dealers lace weed (especially dirt bricks) to make their product addictive.
  7. IXOYE

    To all us country boys ( And gals)!!

    Oh yeah, that one's in my iTunes heavy rotation.
  8. IXOYE

    Why Do People Laugh At Creationists?

    You cannot prove a negative. Therefore no one can prove God doesn't exist. And it's a lot easier to find evidence in support of creationism. Versus what? Darwin? I mean, that old eugenics-fool never even knew what DNA was and I'm supposed to take his views seriously? Meanwhile Holy books...
  9. IXOYE

    Tell Us About Your Vaporizer

    silver surfer vaporizer. form and function. sexy.
  10. IXOYE

    How Much For Your Own Supply?

    My 250w is proving to be decent for three plants. I would have gone bigger if heat wasn't an issue though as the price diff between the 250 and 400 wasn't all that substantial. But as per your question, it depends on how much you smoke!
  11. IXOYE

    Emergency chop!!

    So sorry to hear about the mites!! Here it is "winter" and I was hoping it was too cold for them. It's probably late now, but for future reference I understand garlic keeps them away (little vampire pests) and I plan on planting garlic in my garden with the girls. You could try breaking up...
  12. IXOYE

    Questions about Mother plants

    I culled my only male and regret not growing him out to save pollen or pollenating one of the lower branches on one of my girls with a paint brush. Oh well live and learn...clones will do me just fine! But you never know what life or the laws will bring and having some emergency seeds stashed...
  13. IXOYE

    possible over/under watering?

    I'd say flush 'em and then let them dry out for a few days. If during the flush the leaves perk up (or shortly there after) it was probably a wee nute burn. Under-watering is better than over watering - and if it's one of those two problems it should be easy to deduct by a couple days of dry...
  14. IXOYE

    producing females from seed

    I found a great success rate with "vibeing" my water. With new seeds I chant "girl" or "female" or something to that effect over and over again while watering my plants until they show their sex. I feel it works but this is not a scientific study, ha. I also write "female" on the water...
  15. IXOYE

    Blacking Out

    I have been smoking for some time and only once years ago did I fall over. I think it was a combination of holding it in for too long and then standing up too quickly. I think it is a result of blood pressure, as mentioned, and lack of oxygen more than it is the thc. I fell to the floor and...
  16. IXOYE

    Questions about Mother plants

    Oh, I re-read your question and think I get it now. You can either re-veg the plant to make it a mother. Or you can turn the first generation of clones into mothers. Or you can clone from the clones from the clones and not even keep mothers. Personally I took clones and plan to re-veg (to star...
  17. IXOYE

    Questions about Mother plants

    Maybe the confusion comes in that some folks are taking clippings (clones) before they know if they have females or not. They mark the plants and clones (say #1 or A.) and when they finally move their plants into flower (to determine the sex) they keep the clones from the plants that wound up...
  18. IXOYE

    Lukey Boii's 250w scrOG grow with LST

    Yeah I just built a lil clone cabinet today that I thought would take an hour ended up taking 6. Ain't that the way. Any word on the clippings you took in flower? The clipping I got in flower actually sprung roots before the ones I took in veg.
  19. IXOYE

    Cutting Fan Leaves? A Mythbuster style experiment...

    Well like my last avatar used to read "I ain't no dude." So some of your best friends must be straight chicks :) I was tired of all the girl t 'n a - so I decided to put up a hot boy for us chicks hanging out here at riu.