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  1. IXOYE

    cloning ...the hard way.

    Well this thread really left us hanging. I've taken clones about an inch more or less and they've so far done fine - that was during veg. I am going to try it on some of the flowering undergrowth today. I doubt I'll follow this thread too much so if it's been a few weeks since the posting...
  2. IXOYE

    Can you clone a...

    yes - what is monster cropping?
  3. IXOYE

    Cloning Help...need immediate feedback if possible

    Hey Marine- After posting I went and checked on my clones. Clones from plants #1, #2 & #3. #1 was in flower when I took her clipping, #2&3 were in veg. Today (after 22 days!) the clone from #1 was busting out of her grodan mini cube with lots of roots! Woohoo! #2&3 are coming along a little...
  4. IXOYE

    First time cloning and the clones wilt over soon after put in medium

    Yes. Mine took 3 weeks to root and they wilted and perked up numerous times. The bottom leaf set browned and fell off after some time. They wilt and perked again. Now they have a strong root system with only the top most leaf set remaining. It was scary there for awhile but it worked...
  5. IXOYE

    Cloning Help...need immediate feedback if possible

    Hey Marine hope you don't mind be asking a Q on your thread here... Anyone have tips or tricks on cloning from a flowering plant? My plants are 4 weeks into flower. I took clones on their last week in veg but am feeling like I want a few more. much longer will they take to root than...
  6. IXOYE

  7. IXOYE

    my first seed to buds

    have a great grow
  8. IXOYE

    need help

    What's been going on lately? Been trying new nutes or anything?
  9. IXOYE

    Yeah well the sexiest part about that cowboy is really his hat!

    Yeah well the sexiest part about that cowboy is really his hat!
  10. IXOYE

    Unknown Sativa - How much longer you think?

    Feb 28th minimum is my guess.
  11. IXOYE

    seedlings first leaves

    Well in the picture you posted a see a baby still stuck in her shell (that brown thing is the seed's shell). You can probably peel the shell off with some tweezers. Or you may be talking about the lil membrane/lining of the shell -- that is light green, kinda' clearish maybe a little slimy...
  12. IXOYE

    Pestile or hermie?

    She's beautiful!
  13. IXOYE

    wilted big time from hi temp

    awesome - I was gon'na say yes...glad it came back that quick! Got'ta love these plants.
  14. IXOYE

    sprung bags for hash

    I don't have anything to add except a mile HI! to all the Coloradoans.
  15. IXOYE

    Don't know if you all will answer

    yeah. the uS government doesn't like competition
  16. IXOYE

    Does Growing Schwag Seed=Swag Weed at the End?

    Seeds that are 2-3 years old have a 100% germination rate? Wow, so that explains it! I'm growing some bag seeds that I had in the fridge a few years. They are flowering smells like rhubarb and the other like a skunk and I looooove them like lil green babies. That being said they...
  17. IXOYE

    12v Ozonator for Vehicles?

    OMG Bud, it turned out to be a total lemon. *(!)@!(@^*^ And I am the car buying Queen I feel soooooo dumb!
  18. IXOYE

    Any growers in Puerto rico? is it the same as hawaii?

    Puerto Rico Wow, make a girl jealous! Sounds perfect for growing it's gon'na be killer! Say what's up with PR do I need a passport to visit? Is the cost of living better than Hawaii? How's the economy?
  19. IXOYE

    Cutting Fan Leaves? A Mythbuster style experiment...

    at least findme put the question out there with some tact and delicacy and not just a flat out attack like on the first 20 pages. Haha. Yeah findme -- it's an experiment, not so much a "control study" you know what I mean? I have two plants that came up together I am thinking about trimming...
  20. IXOYE

    PS: I joined up with "bag seed growers" 'cos I saw the group on yr' profile here. Good isht -...

    PS: I joined up with "bag seed growers" 'cos I saw the group on yr' profile here. Good isht - will have to read up later.