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  1. Mother's Finest

    3 Week old Plant Issues (First timer)

    They need food. The lower leaves are dying because the plants are feeding on them. You don't mention the pH. Be sure that the pH is correct before & during feeding.
  2. Mother's Finest

    ph levels an deficiencies?

    You'll need to post pics showing what you're calling a Magnesium deficiency-like problem.
  3. Mother's Finest

    3 wks drooping leaves (informative)

    Transplant ASAP. The plants shouldn't stay in those cups much after the 3-bladed leaves first start growing in.
  4. Mother's Finest

    What is happening to my plant!!

    Is it still growing? It looks dead.
  5. Mother's Finest

    Who can Diagnose this Plants Sickness?

    What kind of light(s) are you growing it under? While some of the damage does resemble P def, the drooping suggests another problem. There could be more than one issue or perhaps it's all from something like heat stress.
  6. Mother's Finest

    ph levels an deficiencies?

    Here's a pH lockout chart. They're easily found in Google images and some have slightly different levels portrayed than others.
  7. Mother's Finest

    sulfer def.?

    What you have there with the light-colored new growth is an excellent example of what cold nights will do. Here's another pic of the same problem:
  8. Mother's Finest

    Deficiency Of Some Sort.

    Those spots aren't from nutrient burn. Nutrient burn starts with the lowest and oldest leaves and works its way up. The pod leaves and first single-bladed leaves are the best indicators of most toxicities. While it's more commonly seen in larger patches, P def. often causes crispy, brown...
  9. Mother's Finest

    Deficiency Of Some Sort.

    They may need some more Phosphorus. At that size, they should be getting full strength fertilizations. Be sure to check the soil pH as well.
  10. Mother's Finest

    switing to 12-12 a few questions

    Go straight to 12/12. Give them a strong dose of Potassium and some Phosphorus with it. If they get enough K when they start flowering, plenty of fresh air day & night and there are no light leaks, you can see preflowers in as little as two days.
  11. Mother's Finest

    Starting fresh after awhile.advice needed..

    Those temps should be fine. Your mix sounds like a decent seed-starter substrate. Seedlings don't usually get lime but it shouldn't be a problem. Once the 3-bladed leaves start growing in, they will start needing weak nutrients and should then be moved to a nutritious soil mix.
  12. Mother's Finest

    quick soil ph question?

    Every grower should monitor their pH's. Even different bottled waters can have different pH values and tap waters can vary even more. Some of the best fertilizers have pH's that are dangerous to the plants and need to be adjusted. Even if everything you give the plants is the perfect pH, the...
  13. Mother's Finest

    buds taste like crap when i add hash

    While we've read about it, we haven't ever tried hash made in that way. There are many grades of hash and methods for making it, each with its own flavor and potency. Perhaps you could try searching for anyone encountering the same problem with that type of hash, using something like, "gumby...
  14. Mother's Finest

    buds taste like crap when i add hash

    How was the hash made?
  15. Mother's Finest

    How big should my flower room be for 600w light? odd size?

    We wouldn't try to grow further than about 2' of floor space away from where the stationary lamp is, when growing plants over 2' tall. Plants will grow further away but trichome production will decrease. The average 600w needs to be at least 13" away from any plant parts at all times and can...
  16. Mother's Finest

    White rhino leaf. Whats wrong?

    It's probably Nitrogen deficiency like you thought.
  17. Mother's Finest

    Nutrient help...experts needed!

    Yes, it's a baby hedgehog. He's sleepy.
  18. Mother's Finest

    CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN g/m2 in sog

    Yes the yield will vary greatly depending on how it's grown. We've found the breeder's yield estimates to really only be useful when comparing one of the breeder's strains to another from the same breeder.
  19. Mother's Finest

    Starting fresh after awhile.advice needed..

    No just use a finger to punch holes in the stretched plastic wrap near the edge of the cup, on either side of the seedling.
  20. Mother's Finest

    Starting fresh after awhile.advice needed..

    We've used that type of lamp before. The bendy arms are very helpful. Most 5000k "sunshine" bulbs do better than the 6500k "daylight" bulbs for vegging as our plants have all leaned toward the 5000k when placed between both bulbs. You want to keep the seedlings in a fairly high-humidity...