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  1. Mother's Finest

    My Entertainment Center Grow Cab. Advice or Recommendations Appreciated!

    Maybe we're just missing it but you don't seem to have any airflow cooling the HPS lamp.
  2. Mother's Finest

    two 400w mh or 400w hps and 400w mh for seedling/veg

    To get the most out of using two bulbs with different spectrums, they either need to be very close together, such as with a lamp made for two bulbs, or connected to a light mover to blend the lights. Otherwise, only the middle plants get a good blend of light spectrums and the ones to either...
  3. Mother's Finest

    HPS 1000watt or 2 600watts....please advise....

    Yes. In that case, it does. Another thing to keep in mind is that any number of 600w lamps won't penetrate as far from the bulbs as any one 1000w would.
  4. Mother's Finest


    You can clip off a small bud that is separate from the main colas and quick-dry it in the microwave. Try it out and decide how much longer it needs. You can also put a piece of it under your microscope. The reason why a microscope is mounted to its stage is so the picture of the subject stays...
  5. Mother's Finest

    Confused about Yeild

    The most important factor for yield is plant size, especially with high-powered lights. The reason you get so many different answers is because people grow their plants to different sizes. For example, you could squeeze as many as four small plants in one square foot of floor space if your...
  6. Mother's Finest

    Drying 2Pounds

    As long as you dry everything in a dark, low-humidity environment, seal it in jars and keep them in the dark, there won't be any mold. We've often used cardboard boxes to hang-dry pot. Cut a square out of the bottom of a short side and tape in a fan. Cut slits in the opposite side and use the...
  7. Mother's Finest

    air intake???

    If you have air intake, what was the question for?
  8. Mother's Finest

    Rusting tips in veg room - Curling leaves in flower room - Grrrr

    The curling and the necrosis may be from two different issues. The plant drooping all-over looks to be suffering from overwatering and/or heat stress. The leaves look like overfertilization. Heat stress is usually worse at the top of the plant, near the lights. Overwatering is usually worse at...
  9. Mother's Finest

    can anyone tell what deficiency this is?

    You won't get much more than guesses with pics so yellow. Try to take some under normal lighting if possible. For example, you say that the leaves are lighter on the veins but in the pics, it looks lighter between the veins.
  10. Mother's Finest

    Sensi Star Week 4 HD pics

    Be sure to harvest on the early side. Original Sensi Star will knock you right out if let go too long.
  11. Mother's Finest

    Deficiency or PH Problem?

    Look at it from the point of view before you fertilized. When you fertilized, you may have fixed certain deficiencies but as we were saying earlier, the damage isn't going to heal & show you the problem is gone. You didn't mention in the first post that you used Grow Big as well and that should...
  12. Mother's Finest

    Yellowing leaves from bottom up. 5 weeks into flower.

    You can add a sprinkle of garden lime on the surface of the soil and it will slightly adjust the liquid poured through it. When testing runoff pH, be sure to test the last few drops that drip out after watering. Samples taken closer to when the plant was watered will show less of the soil pH and...
  13. Mother's Finest

    Weak drooping branches

    Root binding symptoms get worse after watering. Try to find someone to check the roots for you, if you can't do it yourself. If it is root bound, it would have to be transplanted soon, assuming it's not already too late. Root binding stops root growth and if it progresses too far before...
  14. Mother's Finest

    Help me get someone off coke or advice

    If he doesn't want to quit, trying to make him will only strain if not end your relationship. If he does want to quit, you can help him into inpatient rehab and/or give him a place to stay away from his sources for a predetermined and unchangeable amount of time. Obviously, the second can be a...
  15. Mother's Finest

    Weak drooping branches

    It does sound like you're overwatering. The top third or so of the soil should usually be bone dry before watering. Healthy, mature plants living in otherwise good conditions can survive all of the soil drying out completely for many days.
  16. Mother's Finest

    Weak drooping branches

    That kind of drooping isn't caused by insufficient light. We've left plants in dim light and total darkness for many weeks and what happens is the lower leaves die off but the whole plant doesn't droop.
  17. Mother's Finest

    Transplanting into new soil and larger containers.

    Seedlings in plastic cups should be transplanted into larger containers of nutritious soil after the single-bladed leaves reach their full size and the 3-bladed leaves start growing in. There are many different opinions for which potting soil to base the mix on. We use Edna's Best potting soil...
  18. Mother's Finest

    5.5 feet x 4.5 feet flower only

    How many plants will fit depends on what size you grow them to. There are SoG growers that put as many as four small plants in a square foot of floor space. The higher wattage the light, the further from the bulb the light reaches and the taller the plants can be. A 1000w, for example, can...
  19. Mother's Finest

    5.5 feet x 4.5 feet flower only

    A 1000w would illuminate that size pretty well. Light movers help alot to get the most out of high wattage lights and also decrease the need for plant rotation.
  20. Mother's Finest

    Yellowing leaves from bottom up. 5 weeks into flower.

    The correct pH for normal soil is usually 6.5. Check the soil pH and adjust if necessary. The plant is also showing signs of Nitrogen deficiency.