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  1. cylee89

    Need more space!!!! wut should i do??

    LST that bitch! :leaf:
  2. cylee89

    first grow

    No ferts until 2 weeks into seedling stage my friend. :leaf:
  3. cylee89

    Sour Flower

    Stop fighting and just report members.. mod will take care of it.. :leaf:
  4. cylee89

    Recommended fertilizers??

    Fox Farm + Super Thrive worked fantastic for me! :leaf:
  5. cylee89

    Another Seed Sprouted

    More sprouts = More chance to catch a female out of your plants :) Good luck! :leaf:
  6. cylee89

    Leaves droopy and curling up.

    You should water every other day, or whenever the top 2~3 inches of soil is bone dry. Your other two plants look REALLY sharp though! Good job! :leaf:
  7. cylee89

    I got a nutrient ?

    2 weeks is the norm to start using veg nutes on your plant. at 5 weeks you start using flower nutes. :leaf:
  8. cylee89

    a lil timing problem

    more branches --> more buds :) also, you should have lst'd during veg. the plants get woody and stuff and it will be more difficult to bend without breaking your branches so be careful :leaf:
  9. cylee89

    Good Decoy Plants

    thanks for the ideas!
  10. cylee89

    Light During Sleep Time

    I can tell you that you're going to herm up your plants if you keep doing whatever you're doing :) :leaf:
  11. cylee89

    a lil timing problem

    Nah.. even if it does, it'll switch back to flowering if you keep the lights consistent at 12/12 again :leaf:
  12. cylee89

    what makes leaves turn down[w/pics]

    Definitely initial signs of overwatering. Water every other day or when your soil is bone dry. :leaf:
  13. cylee89

    Need help!!

    marijuana is a weed.. it won't die off that easily. give it what it needs and it will spring back in no time. :leaf:
  14. cylee89

    a lil timing problem

    It takes more than that to fuck your plants up.. If it you were right everyone would be fucked by one power outage.. Don't worry about it :leaf:
  15. cylee89

    Good Decoy Plants

    bumping it guys..
  16. cylee89

    Good Decoy Plants

    Hey guys, I just finished by grow tent, and since it couldn't be in my room, I'm a little worried that my friends or my landlord would be suspicious. I'm just growing 2 plants but I want to have some decoy plants to have them think that i'm just growing flowers/veggies in the tent. Which...
  17. cylee89

    infa-red helicopters.

    um.. those choppers will detect big ass lights like the 1000w hps's and all.. if they were looking for a couple of 40w's they would be barging into every single house because of their household lights :/.. no worries bro :leaf:
  18. cylee89

    Do these look healthy to you guys?

    water every other day. i'd say overwatering.
  19. cylee89

    HELP!! Whats wrong with my girls?? Got pics!!

    Give it some N bro :leaf:
  20. cylee89

    How do you place inline fans on a grow TENT??

    i think my fan will turn over air ~4 times a minute according to my calculations so i'm hoping it'll be fine. I got the 250w rather than the 400w for this reason. didn't want to spend too much on cooling :leaf: