Could you elaborate a bit on this? What do you mean?
Just so you know those two drivers are going to be pulling a combined ~7a from the wall, not to be confused with the output current. I just say that because of your comment in your original post about having limited amps available...
Personally Ive always thought that the factors you are looking into are determined more by the drying and curing process, not a flush vs no flush growing environment.
And therein lies the question, what is "optimal"? Some people would prefer yield vs quality. But regardless "quality" is subjective.
Then its a matter of what kind of impact (if any) spectrum has on those qualities. A major pain in the ass to test.
Then theres the whole matter of whether...
That is why I wrote what I wrote in my first response. So he can get some actually usable data and mitigate any placebo effect that may be present.
Im 100% with you when it comes down to theory, but I would never steer someone away from testing it. Id rather try to help him get the best, most...
Sounds like a pretty ideal locale for water cooling. Keep in mind my comments are more steered toward the people who see what youve done and think it wouldnt be hard to incorporate in their grow, but your setup might not work well with their particular situation. In areas where ambient temps...
This thread has already proven its need for existence :clap:
Sadly it also makes you question whether they read the op or not lol. I dont think the op was looking for a debate on the theory of the topic.
Few things Ive noticed. If you use that site for calculations be sure to convert fractions of a minute correctly to seconds (easy oversight but has a pretty big impact). Case in point the answer you were looking for isnt 40 seconds but closer to 25 and thats a pretty big discrepancy.
" In conclusion, the A9-THC content in leaf and floral tissues of greenhouse grown drug-type C. saliva increased linearly with UV-B dose. Other cannabinoids in drug- and fiber-type plants were unaffected by UV-B radiation. Both drug and fiber chemotypes were physiologically and morphologically...
Not trying to over-extrapolate your data is a keen move ;)
It can be used to help make better educated hypotheses that will still need tested to gain any knowledge that can be readily applied to real world functions.
It looks like you have a pretty solid methodology for conducting the grow, I think it will be equally if not more important in how you test the outcome though.
I would recommend taking a number of different samples from each plant (perhaps at various parts of the plant) to be tested and most...
Ill be using copper based CPU water cooling blocks in my next design.
Ill also add that this method becomes a lot more attractive if you already have a chiller in your setup.
Its more efficient than the competition, the rest of the claims though are easily debatable. But even the efficiency could probably be debatable (air is a lot easier to move than water is).
I mean, you really think its easier to build a custom water cooled heatsink for your lights than adding...
Loving the setups, I did something on a much smaller scale in order to fit a grow under a bed...
But the thing is most growers going the COB route simply dont need water cooling. They run ~200w chips at typically less than ~25% capacity and for that, passive cooling is all thats needed...
Important info relevant to this topic:
Only the AY-THC content in leaf and floral tissues of drug-type plants increased significantly with UV-B radiation. Regression analyses indicated that there was a significant linear increase in A'-THC with UV-B dose in these tissues (Fig. 3). The...
Yes, negligible results IMO. No difference or not enough to justify adding them.
There is more evidence of the placebo effect being real than there is for significant improvements coming from adding UVB light to grow ops. The key word there is "significant".
I would love to be proven wrong here and in epic fashion, I doubt that will happen. But really Id be happy with any data on the subject. If I were contemplating putting UVB in a grow I would rent the article I posted earlier in this thread to try to get some hard data points from it, but Im not.
Look at it this way, if over future millennia the O2 levels on earth drop, its not hard to fathom humans may evolve to develop greater lung capacities. But if you dropped O2 levels tomorrow humans would not instantly adapt. It takes time and reproduction to evolve. As such I feel this...