This is sweet but Im not sure it would be any better than standard rectangular aluminum tubing. Would be curious of a side by side comparison of that and an identical one built out of aluminum.
Both of these points are why I would recommend a redundancy approach to your water pumps if possible. Multiple smaller pumps are a better insurance policy than one pump for everything.
How about instead of acting like youre so damn superior, answer the question I asked. You have a tendency of selectively ignoring parts of posts.
How was Airwalkers logical conclusion that the water might get hot costing someone lots of money?
And as Ive stated before, liquid cooling isnt...
Which begs the question, how are they getting 900w out of their lights when theirs only 800w max driving them? They have alright marketing at least.
Also, active cooling is not necessarily an energy waste.
^^^ this guy has a massive superiority complex fyi. (just putting up some sign posts for everyone ;) )
Out of curiosity, what was suggested that may "cost someone a lot of money"? Maybe I missed something earlier in the thread?
For an actual answer though, you almost certainly wont need a...
As long as you use a decent TIM youll be fine. I wouldnt just tape them without any thermal paste etc though.
Unless youre talking about the double sided tapes that act as a TIM.
Have you ever actually done this, or are you just assuming this is the answer someone will come to if they do it?
Theres a lot of factors that go into it... in particular, individual's needs.
How is this even a debate though to be honest, quantity of light is way more important than quality of light.
The question you are getting at is how important is the quality of light. I think its pretty indisputable that more light = more plant.
Quality of lights effect can certainly be...
To get reliable, usable data though would be a massive experimental undertaking.
Then you factor in the differences between different LEDs and differences between strains and it wouldnt surprise me if your margins of error made the experiment borderline useless.
The irony in this post is...
I followed a bit of the shitstorm of a thread that has led to this particular thread. I just dont think this experiment is really going to help you prove your case.
For instance your weight conclusions. How can / should that be extrapolated to cannabis cultivation?
Should one expect to...
You probably shouldnt test them yourself. Best to do a blind test with random participants. Of course this is only if you care about the integrity of your results.
Im really curious as to how long the project in the OP will last. Refrigerator compressors are not designed to constantly be on. Dehumidifier or AC rebuild is the best DIY chiller option.
Copper is not needed over aluminum when the costs are considered IMO.
I would honestly think from a cost to performance perspective, nothing is going to beat plain rectangular aluminum tubing for these applications.
I was basing that off being able to order kits at ~$1.80/watt and you can build em cheaper than that.
I have a single COB water cooled test rig planned for when the new Vero29s hit next month that is going to be <$1/watt.
And IMO, you should always have your active light cooling hooked up...
I think you could build a COB light for ~1/2 that. That does look like a quality light though, and if you were to loosely base a custom build off of it, you could probably come up with something very nice. The ducted feature is a very nice addition.