only here no body is paid to answer ur questions...
check ur attitude
go with the vero 29@1400mA or the cxb3590 run at 1750 (53% eff) or 2100mA (50%eff same as cxb3070 at 1400) on the hlg-240-c
or because you are in europe you can look at the elg-c150 series-its way cheaper and only works on...
actually yes but not
the bottom half wouldn't be disapating heat as well as the top( i asuume) beacuse the heat couldnt rise away from it
you might be better looking into a C channel for that aproach-ive used those for monos with relative success
is it possible to vent into my living space and others sharing the house not know im growing?
I just plan on growing 1 auto at a time- stealth means pc fans only-thinking to have 2 diy pc fan carbon scrubbers out of 1sq ft of garden
herbal essence has some chinese mono panels but they look rather white not as blurple and they seem to be doing a decent job
now he is taking them out of the cases and mounting them on channels
what exactly are these panels?
i have also been thinkin about this lately
seems 620nm would be the right mono to add
reason for adding is just to fill the space left on the driver
the green sounds interesting too
would 660 be better than 620?
wow that airwalker guy is giving crazy random advise
the cheapest way to lower the voltage on the apv woudl be to put your fans in series-or probably better 2 strings effectively cutting the volts in half
the apv requires AC input
yes the fan dimmer thing woudl probably work as well
as he said above no
even the hlg 120-C1050 is too powerfull for you, you could use the 120-c1400 and keep it dimmed
you need to use a dif series of driver though- is this a pc grow?
why not just search for dimmable drivers in the 65-100w range(sure there is a 75w one out there) and sort by...
sure ok i just removed silicon off 2 60cm heatsinks last week, not lil dabs though the whole thing as it was an led i had built waterproof
the razor scratched the sink, a plastic card worked better, i had to sand it all down to get it clean
nope, avoid silicon at all costs
get kapton tape if u wanna tape wires to the sink etc
hot glue i havnt tried to remove but i promise you silicon you will regret