that lettuce looks good
i also do a bit of lettuce and stuff in the veg space when i have room-so i have questions
what size container are you using there?(what size do you recommend?)
how many weeks old is that lettuce?
when do you harvest?
i always see really big lettuce but i think they...
yeah ive been doing this in most of my micro cabs for about 2 years now
also in the winter time i switch out the ventilation and pull from top/in the summer pull from bottom
get a switching power supply thing that adjusts the volts and get more pc fans
then u can turn the volts down until there is no noise- i have had success using 3 x artcic f12 at 7v(use whatever is rated at 25dba or less and moves lots of air)
the desktop fan is prob loud too i use pc fans...
that spun me out for a bit then i realised its practically the same thing as running the 72v off the HLG-185H-C350(hypothetical driver)
so using the c500 and letting it adjjust to 400mA seems like a good option to run 6
then id do 12 cobs per m2 @ 400mA 64872L? mmm perhaps on the low side...
i wanna run 12 cxb3590(cd bin 72v version) per sqm
is there a driver that cun run 6 of them?
i know the 350 will but i think thats a bit too soft
anyway to calculate the output at those low mA(350-500mA)? the pct doesnt show below 700mA
hi ya kiwi!
yeah i also use bunnings/big w soils- blood meal etc- usually mix a few bags of stuff with some perlite
i wouldnt bother with mj specific nutes honestly as mentioned here you can just get the salts and mix ur own- ofcourse as also mentioned you need to know what you are doing...