they told me they only had the cxb3070 AD bin for 31 bucks
cutter is the cheapest place to get the CXB 3070BB right now(32$) with PLC 2nd($36ish from memory)
well its actually alot less watts and less efiicient than a 600W HPS
so if you absoultely wanna be cheap best you just run cobs harder/ get more lower bins
i suggest
11) 2530s ( $69
and run them at...
do u even know where china is on a map?
seriously though, how does that qualify cobs sold in china being binned correctly?
Nike is also made in china, are you suggesting I cant find fake or mislabeled nike shoes in china
absolutely not a science-even so many variables( a tiny breeze in one of the tests, i micro mm of dif between sensor distance, dif thickness of tim, dif smoothness of sink etc etc etc)
but even so we can call approximate field testing
the data could be very dif than the data sheets and perhaps...
im trying to find the post with all the hot links but cant-help?
also what r ur thoughts on using a pc power cord for ac connection then running all drivers/fan drivers in parralel off that single connection?
so this is for all par sensors not just this usb sensor kit?
if any one knows the SPD of the cobs it would be you, so I assume we have no practical way of measuring light output from these DIY COB builds?
im super interested to hear you elaborate on that
I was looking on the reef forums where guys were hacking a lux meter by adding filter lenses/better diode etc
i thought this could be a viable option
are you referring to the soft ware not being compatable with the leds?