I doubt they'll flower. This is just for veg. There's a theory that plants can only process 6 hrs of light at a time. I've checked the difference in root mass from 18/6 to 24 hrs. 24 had more root fiber mass in my trials. Not necessarily bigger roots, but definitely more fibers and mass.
So I...
Well they're going to be even lower this week. It's supposed to get cold lol.
In all seriousness though, I'm not having any issues. Even the aloe, strawberries, and citronella are loving it. I actually have to harvest some citronella and some aloe when I get home tonight.
The air outside the tent is colder than the air inside the tent. Air outside the tent is in the low 40s during the day and sometimes as low as the high 30s at night. It's drawing in even more dense air. I didn't tell you that, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
Look man, I'm not trying...
Took the other one out this morning. Down to this one.
Canopy temps, first node growth tips, 3rd/4th node growth, and the whole plant. Day 10 I believe. Watered this morning before the lights came on.
Interesting way of looking at it. You turned temp into volume as a comparison.
It you had 2 500ml bottles and put 2 drops if water in each and then placed one in a 50 degree room and the other in a 70 degree room, the one in the 50 degree room would retain more liquid state by volume if both...
No, that's not what I'm thinking at all. I'm thinking that a colder air is a denser air, which means restricted movement of molecules over any given volume. That just happens to mean that a colder air can hold more water, oxygen, and CO2 molecules by volume than a warmer air by volume. Ask any...
Optimum is what you, you're own personal preference, recognize to be right. I grow plants at low temps fine. You grow them at high temps fine. As long as both plants grow unaffected by temp, then the plants are growing at an optimum rate.
This is about the plants, remember? You're personal...