Yet you discredit the formula for photosynthesis that doesn't require temp? But I'm supposed to accept this chart?
Being picky on which info you want to be relevant is a bitch move of desperation.
A warmer air is a drier air because it is capable of holding more humidity. A colder air is a moister air because it takes less moisture to create a more humid environment.
That being said, I run a 70% humidity at the seedling stage because the plants will transpire less volume as they are...
For what it's worth, I just sprouted a Pineapple Express in the 40s lights out and 50s lights on. Took 3 days in coco.
My afghani however is entering the 4th day and has not popped yet.
I posted mine. This is the first grow I'm documenting here, so you can watch it succeed in growing in the 50s if you'd like.
It may drive you to the edge of insanity everyday it survives though. That's about another 3 months.
Another additional tidbit just for science's sake. Colder air is denser and contains more oxygen and CO2. There's less reason to flood your tent with CO2. Doesn't make it better or anything, just a thought.
Ok? That's not even comparable to indoor growing styles. It's all about ideal, right?
I just used outdoors as an example that the plants can survive in cold temps.
Ok, 33 then. Personally, I try not to let it get that low in case it drops that 1 degree. A 5 degree buffer is more acceptable for me, but whatever.
I'm not saying you have to. I'm not saying you should. I'm simply saying you can. Neither one of us is going to change out minds so you'll just...
Not admitting anything I haven't already said. A warmer air is a drier air, correct? A colder air is a moister air, correct?
That's why temps seem to make such an impact on you guys. It creates drier air which increases transpiration. All I'm saying is that you can max transpiration in cold to...
Here's my theory on why most of you think warmer temps really matter based on your experience.
How do you get bigger yields? Average answer is more light, right? Everybody hears or sees this all the time. What increases heat? Lights.
Therefore you're adding more light which gives off more...
I don't think I've reinvented a wheel or done anything that hasn't been done before. I do this every year because I have to. I learned from doing research and applying theories. It was a success for me.
It's been a reliable method that allows me to not have to run a heater, get my lights...
I push for higher transpiration rates than nature can provide outside in the cold.
When a plants transpiration rate is increased, so is it's respiration and photosynthesis rates. Can we all agree on that?
If we can, I'll move on.
I'm saying if the conditions are right for both plants, which would need different environments, then yes.
This isn't coming from an article or whatever. That chart was just a quick reference as to how scientific data shows that temperature does not affect growth in photosynthesis.
I would definitely take that bet. Problem is, matching genetics for genetics. You find a way to do that and I'll run you straight up.
Light increases CO2 uptake as well as transpiration and respiration.
I'll be back in a little bit. Have to run out but I would love to have this conversation...
I'll probably keep it in veg until the PE and afghani are ready so I can flip them all at once.
As far as training, what do you want to see. It's a sativa so I can do whatever you want. I'll let you decide lol.