looks like your right on track. Like gunnar&carey said don't ever listen to a seed banks or breeders flower or harvest time. Keep posting and together we will make sure you chop when you should. Good luck!
To me it looks like something dripped on the leaves. Cant really say what the large light green shaded areas of discoloration are on that big indica leaf are, almost looks photo shopped.
That sux man, I have a feeling I might be right behind ya. If I am it has awesome structure tight nodes and stinks to high hell, so I will as well get some pollen.
I'm not necessarily displeased. The plant loves the soil and the nutes and the strength. Just not seeing any signs of pre-flower, typically I/some or most people do. There are no balls or sacs hanging It's just making me cringe.
Yeah I don't know about this plant. The nodes are super tight and growing like crazy, it's kind of a messy plant. It would suck though if was male, last seed I had for the competition, my order from original sensible got intercepted so I was screwed. It was a fem seed so I hope it is.
And in the exact fashion I thought you would put my post to shame you did! I still have to step my game up a little bit and reading post's like yours helps.
Sorry I haven't gotten back to you. It is absolutely worth building them yourself. Especially if heat is going to. E a problem for you. If you look under the indoor growing forum here there a a sub for led growing and light building. If you need more help let me know.
good for you quazis. The math sounds good. I would say for future cabinet designs you don't need so much framing and bracing, it would free up some space for growing.