A little over a month in soil. She was about 2ft tall and about 2 ft wide by the time training was done. Didn't stretch hardly at all. She starts off slow and doesn't grow too fast but she puts out some fantastic buds.
I'd tell you to go with super lemon haze (dopest dope I've ever smoked) but...
Yea. I fucked up and didn't clone it though so I just had to buy another seed. Not gonna make that mistake twice. Stays really small too while giving a good yield, great taste, and a very unique but awesome high.
Humboldt Bubbas Gift (can't recommend it enough) or anything Afghani should do you just right.
I'm not really a Kush fan but they sound right up your alley too.
No offense guys, but the CMH is going to be much easier for them to control heat. Don't let that 315W fool you. They work great. Haven't heard a bad experience from them yet.
They may starve each other out or worse, root bind each other. Just something to think about. They won't be ready for cloning for quite some time. You may be able to get one from topping, but they would need to be relatively healthy which will be hard with them competing like that.
Not trying...
Gotcha. Well, the big one looks to be the only one worth a shit.
The retard one could have just been a bad pop or a shitty mutation.
They are going to be a motherfucker to separate though. Good luck.
Colloidal silver works very well. You have to use it at the beginning of flower though, on the calyxes. You just can't smoke the bud you put the pollen on.
Humboldt's Bubba's Gift was pretty good. Stays short. 4 out of 5 high. Very nice taste. I really wish I would have cloned that pheno. I just got another one. I'm hoping it's just as good.
Well, it doesn't look like it has bad genetics. You could save the pollen if you decide you want to breed down the road. Just a thought.
On a side note, be super careful not to shake it around too much when taking it out. Put a garbage bag around it if you can. Sometimes a sac will bust from...