Any of you west coasters awake yet? Here's a neat article on hemp uses. Little long and old, but interesting and still pertenant
I am curious how things are going with that in CO and Washington? I feel like the government moves pretty slowly, so wondering what it is like in one of those states. I am in a very conservative state, so only grow occasionally. I feel like the federal government is going to have to make a...
hmmmm. I have never grown outside so really not sure what to expect....I grow plenty nside and know how smell is an issue. maybe its not work the risk, bummer
yes. I like to to a week or 2 before flower. This will give the plant a chance to recover and continue vertical growth before flower. If any shoots start growing faster, tie those lower (LST) and allow the other branches to catch up. with topping you take at least the very top node off the...
I am thinking about putting one or 2 autos in my backyard but worried about smell a little. I am going to ut it in the middle of my garden (Tomatos and peppers around). THink smell will be an issue? I live in a neighborhood but have a fenced in back yard that is fairly isolated. I have one...
I think the worry about 6 cfls is heat created...and space. with an LST or Scrog, sidelighting is not very important. The spots on the leaves are lower right? I think based on the dark color of the leaves they are getting tons of nuts and could back off a bit there. Also, if the leaves get...
But for the record, NL can definitely get purple. Colder temps may bring that out, not hotter ones though. And usually later in flowering. I know nothing about hydro though...
I am one other side of cutting fan leaves. I don't mind cutting a few to free up light penetration and air flow. The reality is if you aren't getting fresh air to bottom of the plants, you are going to effect yeild and quality. That is not saying cut every fan leaf. Just the ones crowding...
Just read through most of your thread. Looks pretty good...especially for a new grower in such confined spaces.
As for the training, the vert growth should have almost stopped, now just growing in bud height so training won't have to be done as frequently. Looking at those pics from last week...
Wine tasting isnt too elaborate. Just show up, eat/drink, and pay the people. :) I am thinking that is the way to go. With some little side gift. I think you guys are right on the expectations being set too hi to early.
Side note, our third date I made lamb chops and greek salad. Had the...
The toothbrush is nice if you know your going to be in bed for abn hour or two...but should work on hte delivery a bit. Wine tasting night might be perfect...Get the firends of hers I know to join in and booom we have a fun night.
Dating really isnt that fun. I do like her. She burns candles...But hinestly don't want to just get her candles...Feels too generic. I am not the best for clothes shopping...She was looking at shoes but I couldnt see what kind...
hahah, i just read through the whole thing and cracked up most of the time.
The D situation is fine. We are good on that. I was already planning on either making a nice big dinner or taking her somewhere nice. so really it is going to be a small something. Not doing jewelry yet...I am...