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  1. jdubness

    plant about 3'' tall

    when do i know i can start my vegging process? plant is about 3'' tall and appears healthy. should i wait till i get a couple more nobes? im excited to start my nutes thats why im asking about the vegging process :mrgreen:
  2. jdubness

    Spider mites need help

    ^^^ azzzzzzakly what he said :mrgreen:
  3. jdubness

    First Time DIY Bubbleponics. NIrvana Papaya

    i went through 8 seeds and tried the paper towel method (didnt work for me). so then i tried the shot glass idea. left soaking for 24 hrs. tap the seed with your finger and the baby seed will drop to the bottom (usually stays at the top bc there is an air bubble in there. very common). then the...
  4. jdubness

    Best Seed bank ships to USA

    If you received an error message after entering your valid credit card information, it may have been because your billing name or address didn’t match the information on your credit card statement. For your order to be processed, this information must be exactly the same. On the Billing...
  5. jdubness

    has anyone ever mailed a ballast??

    you want him to try and ship something illegal first? haha idk about that man. its a ballast, its not illegal. you should be fine
  6. jdubness

    has anyone ever mailed a ballast??

    yeah dude go ahead and mail your ballast. make sure to put fragile on there and get overnight shipping as well. make sur ethey pad the hell out of it :) hope that helps
  7. jdubness

    sprout healthy???

    right on! thanks man! how can i tell when it needs to be watered? and how long should it take to start growing some nobes?
  8. jdubness

    the man who cannot sprout a single seed :(

    dude dont be discouraged. i had a friend that handed me about 12 different strains. no less than 4 seeeds a bag. went through every single one of them. and now we got down to the last seed of the whole batch and it finally sprouted. i am more than determined to believe its all abotu viable...
  9. jdubness

    sprout healthy???

    i was just curious on if my sprout was healthy. just sprouted this morning. i am curious to know if its supposed to be sticking straight up or kind of bent a little bit. everything else looks healthy to me (i think). it is an indoor grow. got flourescent lights 2 inches above the sprout...
  10. jdubness

    finally it sprouted... then what

    yeah i am using sopil. thanks for you help man. its indoor and set up is pretty legit. is it supposed to wilt a little bit or the sprout suposed to be sticking straight up??? and checking the roots, how do i know when its ready to transplant into a bigger pot?
  11. jdubness

    finally it sprouted... then what

    FINALLY my "chrnoic" strain seed has sprouted! sprout is beginnig to curl a little and inside of the seed is cracked and green. huge reward and perfec surprise to wake up to. currently have it planted in dixie cup with 4 slits and holes at bototm. flourescent light 2 inches above sprout...
  12. jdubness

    green fuzz on seeds while germing???

    damnit i knew it was something! is there any way i can try to rub off the growth as long as im careful with the root??? or should i not even bother
  13. jdubness

    green fuzz on seeds while germing???

    i recently germed some great seeds of different strains. they all rooted and cracked etc. but now they are sitting in a pellot for faster growth and i peeked at them today and saw some green fuzz. not quite mold, not quite algae. but some green fuzz. can anyone help me figure this out?? they...
  14. jdubness

    knot or tip side up?

    and thanks for the quick response man
  15. jdubness

    knot or tip side up?

    i tried the paper towel method and it failed miserably. haha i think i drown my little babies! i just went with a germing farm with humidity dome and pellots. they are looking super healthy right now and have rooted. just making sure that nature will take its course and turn the seed to be...
  16. jdubness

    Help with clones!

    do not water daily! well depending on how much water youre talking about. wait until the soil is a little dry on the top (that means deeper down its much more moist and thats where the roots are). so once you see it drying on the top, wait another day and then water it. only thing you dont want...
  17. jdubness

    knot or tip side up?

    obviously i am new to this. long time user now its time to start my personal. do you place the tip of the seed up or the knot side up?
  18. jdubness

    rooting seeds (root fell off)

    one of my seeds began rooting and during transplants, i accidentally tore off the white tip. does that mean that the seed is dead or will it regrow once planted in soil???
  19. jdubness

    Flower time starts when?

    DNA genetics are a great contact to have for knowledge in the growing world. instead of just reading or waiting for a response from a forum.
  20. jdubness

    Germination Process???

    haha yeah i just fixed it. man i am having a hard time with this site and i prettyinclined with websites and computers