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  1. bmo420

    Really Rookie Q on Nutrients

    theres def roots down there... and lots of them.... i would transplant now but if you are still unsure, just transplant the biggest one to get an idea, but from lookin at the pic, they are ready to get out of there
  2. bmo420

    Are my ladies done?

    id say not yet by lookin with the plane eye, do what xsavier said with the loupe or w/e type of microscopic device u use and see what the trichs are lookin like... around 25% should be amber (depending on your personal preference)
  3. bmo420

    whats wrong with my 5 MONTH old plant

    wasnt gonna even post of this thread but it seems i got to say something.... but yeah bro you need to do some reading, this is my first year to grow period (indoors or outdoors) and yeah its a lot more to it then what i thought but on the other hand it is as difficult as you wanna make it...
  4. bmo420

    Share your C99 plant pics here! Here's Mine....

    i envy you right now!! haha not really but i had a c99 and it died early...this was my first grow and out of 14 plants the only 2 to die were a c99 & northern blueberry.... those are lovely and good to see the outside... i read on a few of the strain review websites that it was a MAINLY indoors...
  5. bmo420

    Can Plants Recover From Sun Burn?

    yeah they def can.. when i first bought my clones i burned a few of the more "sensative" strands and had to ease them a lil more then others... gave them more filtered sun under a tree and started direct sun in the very early am and late pm sun where it is the weakest...never in the middle of...
  6. bmo420

    Might be a stupid question this!?

    leave on til new cycle ends
  7. bmo420

    no giants but a few of my taller ones

    KillCaustic- appreciate it, i have put a lot of work in it. didnt have much $$$ but they have received lots of tlc and 757, i know its gonna be legit, have a buddy that lives in so cal that helped me with meds when im that way but with the low funds$$$ i have not had the gas so i have been buyin...
  8. bmo420

    no giants but a few of my taller ones

    actually i lied :( its a Permafrost, which is trainwreck x white widow/northern lights. i do have a train wreck but it is a few weeks younger and quite a bit smaller tho... looking forward to it tho and wont mind waiting a bit
  9. bmo420

    no giants but a few of my taller ones

    so i am a first timer grower period and got an extremely late start as i didnt buy my clones until may 29th. then between what i figured to be a combo of heat stress, stunted growth from movin outside (began to preflower), and underwatering i didnt get hardly any growth the whole month of june...
  10. bmo420

    New clones struggling

    when you say adopted you mean from a collective? shouldnt they be rooted already? thought the only time a humidity dome was needed was during rooting?
  11. bmo420

    moved 2 cali 4 this legal grow. 1st time wit sum monsters

    haha yes of course, but i can say it was def worth it now... gonna try to get some pics of mine in the next few days... they are no 10 footers but i am happy with them... i didnt even get to get my clones until june 29th!!! but i got a couple i woiuld say are healthy 4 footers for a first...
  12. bmo420

    moved 2 cali 4 this legal grow. 1st time wit sum monsters

    looking amazing! especially for 1st time. i also moved out here with my fiance from tennessee in june and LOVE it(although the 36 hour drive with a 20' uhaul and car hauler w/ 2 dogs in the cab blew ass), we are in nor cal tho so no hollywood but everything else is beautiful! and hopefully ya...
  13. bmo420

    Not growing - Please help

    sounds like heat stress with the temps you posted...never grown inside but i had it occur to mine outside when it was mid to high 90s (F) and i had them in plastic covered squirrel cages (for wind protection)... stayed the same for almost 2 weeks.... as soon as i took them off they became a lot...
  14. bmo420

    First Timer - A bit puzzled!

    not really sure but i will tell you that even peeps that can help ya wont be able to from the pic you linked
  15. bmo420

    New clones struggling

    heard of using full 24 too but beleive 18/6 is better... mimics that natural setting in the wild...
  16. bmo420

    Miracle Gro Taste

    yeah i am curious of this as well... i am a first time grower myself and being so have done a lot of reading on these forums and you see so many people bashing MG then on the other side you see peeps with beautiful healthy lookin plants saying they used it... i actually had a local hydro store...
  17. bmo420

    Wind Block Solutions??? Anybody??? Anything??? CHEAP!!!

    also do you or anyone else know where i can get some cheap bamboo cause the only place i know in ny town is like an ace store and they are expensive$$ like 6-8 bucks a peice. can i buy like a longer pole and cut my own. but thats prolly gonna be my cheapest way and best i beleive... and i could...
  18. bmo420

    Wind Block Solutions??? Anybody??? Anything??? CHEAP!!!

    they are suppose to be 100 gallons magic grow bags ( but i have been told they look small but i am sure that they are close because the amaount used to fill them. yeah i am gonna to have to have it off of a few for sure. i wont have enough cash to get them all enough sticks so...
  19. bmo420

    Wind Block Solutions??? Anybody??? Anything??? CHEAP!!!

    yeah i was thinking that too but the only person that has seen them that claims to be a grower says that he would remove the fencing completely but i think it would be better to let the braches extend through the fencing giving it additional support ... as far as the leaves touching or better...
  20. bmo420

    Wind Block Solutions??? Anybody??? Anything??? CHEAP!!!

    alright so its my first grow ever and me and my buddies are legal patients of california. we got a late start as we bought rooted clones from a local dispenserary on july 1st then stunted a few weeks of growth with what i beleive to this day is underwatering, slight heat stress, and pre flower...