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  1. PuffinChronic

    A little more mushroom porn

    Wow that's a nice looking tub! What strain you got yourself there Canndo??
  2. PuffinChronic

    T5 HO vs. CFLs?

    Hot Shot is right.. the more light the plant gets as a whole from all sides is better then from just one angle. Your lights do not produce more when placed horizontal, you're just making it easier for more of the plant to soak it in. If you get 2 of these 90$ flouros you could put one on each...
  3. PuffinChronic

    Need some help PRONTO!!!

    After looking at the pics again, I hate to say it just because I don't see much flower there but HotShot may be correct.. How long they been flowering? How long you let 'em veg for? From seed or clone? I use distilled which, with my dig. PH meter after nutes reads a low 5. I use ph up to get...
  4. PuffinChronic

    T5 HO vs. CFLs?

    The light in your link puts out 8000 lumens, is that per bulb? I doubt it. 8 - 42W CFL's put out 66.667 lumens per watt. x 8 bulbs = 22,176 lumens. So you're getting more with the CFL's But if the hydrofarm light puts out 8000 per bulb then you would have 32,000 lumens.. Not sure if this helps...
  5. PuffinChronic

    250W Closet Grow (2nd grow)

    Look at those fat indica leaves.. gotta love it.. I also am growing a very indica dominant strain (bagseed) they are 37 days old now.. gonna let em veg for 3 more weeks.. check it out, these were taken six days ago, now the fan leaves are as big as my face. I'm going to top and clone the tops...
  6. PuffinChronic

    11' x 11' mushroom grow room, suggestions on method

    Still no pics of your room? C'mon brutha man .. ya had me all excited.
  7. PuffinChronic

    Need some help PRONTO!!!

    Plants like a wet dry schedule, give those roots a reason to grow. Your ladies will tell you when they're thirsty.. I water twice a week at most while in veg and my plants are doing well and seem to be happy.. Puff.
  8. PuffinChronic

    how to bring mj to a non medical state

    About the whole looking at cops thing... I was hustling a bit last year and me and my homie got roasted because he looked at these cops that were stopped in the middle of the road as we drove around them. They said that's why they started to follow us.. Bunch of bull shit.. If it's in the cards...
  9. PuffinChronic

    11 day old 1st grow!

    Roger... Just making sure you're on the right track brutha.. keep us informed... Puff.
  10. PuffinChronic

    pc construction

    :wall: The force is strong with this one. I can feel it... Good luck sir grasshopper you're going to need it. Puff.
  11. PuffinChronic

    First Plant, need advice about harvesting ! ( PICS )

    WOW... I have yet to harvest my first plant so I can't help you there but after seeing these pics I had to congratulate you. That is one outstanding looking plant, give yourself a pat on the back.. nicely done! + rep for you :-P Puff.
  12. PuffinChronic

    Pre-flower, a He or a She?

    I also have 2 that are about 37 days old... Also still no alternating nodes.. They're just bag seed so I dunno whats going to happen.. I'm going to let them veg for 8 weeks before flipping to 12/12.. My last 1 turned out to be a guy but I didn't find out till 8 weeks in, what a piss off. I...
  13. PuffinChronic

    Pre-flower, a He or a She?

    Lol agreed.. on closer inspection I see the same.. hahaha...
  14. PuffinChronic

    Pre-flower, a He or a She?

    LOL I'm fuckin baked don't listen to me.. I should just stick to reading and keep my mouth shut when Im stoned... *removing foot from mouth* Either way lemme know what how your new ladies ;-) turn out.. Puff.
  15. PuffinChronic

    Pre-flower, a He or a She?

    Lol I just burned one and re-read and I realized I was reading it wrong haha.. I changed the post..
  16. PuffinChronic

    Pre-flower, a He or a She?

    In the first image you can clearly see pistils growing from the calyx. Looks like a girl to me. Puff.
  17. PuffinChronic

    Pre-flower, a He or a She?

    In my experience Calyx look similar to Stamin. In early stages.. Imho I would keep an eye on em for a week to see how they develop, odds are you will know by then. Just my 2 cents. GL hope they turn out to be ladies! Puff.
  18. PuffinChronic

    Pre-flower, a He or a She?

    To early to tell, imo.. how old is she? (wishful thinking always helps). Are your lights on 12 / 12 and if so for how long? You must be seeing something I am not...
  19. PuffinChronic

    Just broke dirt should , i pit under light or wait a few more days?

    Flouro's or CFL's are ideal for supplying light to seedlings without causing them distress. Puff.
  20. PuffinChronic

    11 day old 1st grow!

    You do realize that by the time that your done flowering the plant could be over 3 feet tall + the height of the bucket / pot it's in right? It may not fit on your shelf for the whole duration of it's life..