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  1. PuffinChronic


    What a shame.. How ignorant can some people be? Poor kid.. his family must be a mess...
  2. PuffinChronic

    Help me out.

    About your LED, I'm pretty sure you could grow a plant under a 23W CFL.. it would be unhealthy and probably wouldn't yield anything but I believe there would be enough light for it to 'survive'. Your small LED will work, but the sooner you get a bunch of CFL's or a HID the better. Puff.
  3. PuffinChronic

    how long will cocaine stay in you system for a urine drug test.

    I think you'll be ok... I have friends that passed 2 days after doing blow.. The day of and the day before the test drink TONS of water and piss like a crazy person.. Don't give the urine time to sit in your bladder. Pretend your drinking beer lol. That should flush you out enough if you're not...
  4. PuffinChronic

    Closet growing question(s).

    CFL's do put out a fair ammount of heat, 200 W of them and my 3'x2'x5' tent gets up to around 86 degrees... Plan before you plant! Puff.
  5. PuffinChronic

    11' x 11' mushroom grow room, suggestions on method

    A person would have to have less brains than a head of lettuce to take you up on this...
  6. PuffinChronic

    Should I switch my lights to flower?

    It's week 7 for me (2 days until week 8 from seed) I was going to flip at week 8 but I dunno I might let my "ladies" go 10 weeks and wait for some pre-flowers.. I'm seeing signs of developing sex but still to early to tell. It's different for everyone, IMO I wouldn't flip before 8 weeks. but...
  7. PuffinChronic

    please, needsome help :)

    The seedling itself has enough nutes available to carry it throughout the first 2 - 3 weeks of growth. I would water only once a week at this point. Or untill the soil becomes dry Puff.
  8. PuffinChronic

    Help me out.

    What I do is soak them in water for 24 hours then wrap them in damp paper towel and keep them in the dark. I plant them once the seed has cracked open. This way you're not staring at your pot or rockwool or whatever wondering if it's a dud or not, simply open up the paper towel every couple days...
  9. PuffinChronic

    Need help - 1st time grow

    Welcome to RIU and the wonderful world of growing. The only way that you're going to see this project through to the very end is to read and read and read... I wouldn't use any brand of miracle grow. IMO you're better off using potting soil and getting some nutes by the end of week 4. The...
  10. PuffinChronic

    neighbor has a mental disorder

    I really feel like I can't even sit and watch one full episode of south park without it killing more brain cells than I have to spare with my ongoing relationship with mj. All in all that was funny but anyone who watches it regularly probably has less brains then a head of lettuce. Piss ass...
  11. PuffinChronic

    Plant with droopy leaves?

    Cannabis really appreciates a wet, dry cycle.. When my ladies are in veg I find once every 3 - 4 days is enough.. as they get bigger I give them more each sitting but still try to keep it spaced out. The plant itself can take quite a bit of abuse and don't forget that the roots grow to seek out...
  12. PuffinChronic

    Plant with droopy leaves?

    what is this tbh? Any nutes? Distilled water has nothing in it in the way of nutes, minerals.. etc... I once made the mistake of planting in MG soil and all I fed was distilled so not over nute, seemed to do well but I wouldn't recommend it.. By schedule I meant how frequently, if the plant is...
  13. PuffinChronic

    Plant with droopy leaves?

    They don't look all that droopy to me.. What is your water schedule like?
  14. PuffinChronic

    Fly with mmj or w/o it?

    That's what I figured. I once had a friend who was flying out of town and couldn't be without his meds so he looked up a recipe to make candies, had no problem traveling abroad with them in his bags in undercarriage.. If it were totally unavoidable this is probably the way to go.. Even still I...
  15. PuffinChronic

    neighbor has a mental disorder

    LOL this is not funny at all and I didn't not just fall off my chair laughing.. terrible..
  16. PuffinChronic

    Fly with mmj or w/o it?

    Just out of curiosity when you get a mm card does that make you legal in all states that are legal or just the one in which you were issued the license?
  17. PuffinChronic

    neighbor has a mental disorder

    mycoxaflopin ?
  18. PuffinChronic

    Left door open during dark period!

    Unless the irregularity of your light pattern is reoccurring IMO I don't think you have anything to worry about. However I have read that light from a street lamp can fuck up the flower cycle of an out door plant so.. and I know your thinking, 'out door plant, street lamp?' Makes no sense but I...
  19. PuffinChronic

    neighbor has a mental disorder

    I 100% agree with Total Head, living in an apartment you are entitled to at least some kind of peace and quiet. People gotta work, I'm a commercial plumber and I gotta get outa bed at 4:30 every morning, someone outside my window yelling at night would send me off the deep end. But, it could be...
  20. PuffinChronic

    First Grow

    Keep up the good work, it's a hell of a learning curve hey? Thank god for RIU and the helpful people here. Keep us posted. Puff.