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    Is this N toxicity or??

    Yeah i am but havent for about a week and a bit. Im not going to be adding anymore haha just plain water for now. I use hydro coco dutchfest a+b i started with bio canna vega i also have bio canna flores. I usualy do water feed water feed water.
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    Mine is at 5.9-6
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    Its peat moss its not soil bro. They say keep it between 5.8-6.2 canna terra professional
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    Couple more
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    Hey heres a few more pics of whats going on. Also nah the leaves where just turning full yellow then dropping off. I fed her today. With the other one still have to let dry out from last water which was (no nutes)
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    Also guys my other fem plant is just starting to get some yellow lower leaves and falling off now i know this is a nitrogen deficency shall i just feed with full strength nutes?
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    Got ya
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    Its only happening at the bottom the tops are fine? Wouldnt the top leaves be curled upwards ?
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    Also it could have been because it was closer to the light as its taller then The other plants
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    ok guys your pretty much saying both the same thing so will do!
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    Its defanitly over fert what would be your sugestion to fixing this?
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    Sorry man
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    And sorry bro lil cranky tonite as the past 3 days i have pulled a male out everyday. Im now down to 3 and i think the other one may be a male :( i started with 6 probably going to end with 2 i hate seeing the little clusters forming and i dont care if its hermie its going lol. So i need to...
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    I didnt feed right after transplant but couple days after then couple days after that the leaves started and run off is always what i put it in as
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    I would like advice please im not trying to tell you are wrong but i know what your talking about the soil being hot as canna terra pro is full of nitrogen and i fed her right after i trasplanted her a couple days later those leaves starting happening which is why im thinking niteogen overdose...
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    Also i put them in to flower a week and a but ago so it got the stretch
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    Hey my temps stay inbetween 20-25c never go higher that one is the only one that is stretching if you have a look at my other thread all the other ones are bushes as i topped them early and my light stays about 15-20cm away as i have cooltube started wih a 130 watt cfl its atretching because...
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    Starting little clustera of balls on the tops so ahhh not happy. I have 3 left now out of 6 3 have been male i know 2 are defanitly female which is this one with the deformed leaf. And a nice bushy one the other one im not sure about yet luck sucks haa
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    So annoyed this baby here im pulling now is a 5-6 week old male :( no worries man thanks a heap il look out for any more signs of trouble and let you know :)
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    Thats her