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    Is this N toxicity or??

    Hey guys here she is today she is getting much bigger but now i see slight yellowing or bleaching of the leaves is it heat stress or something else?? Its just at the top leaves and it def no sulphur deficiency
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    Yeah thats probably whats happening i know canna terra pro has a shitload of nitrogen in it she doesnt seem to be getting any worse since i flushed which is a good sign!
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    I feed full strength nutes each feed. Which is every second water i am using canna terra professional its not soil haha. I ph at 5.9-6.0 which is right. And i mean literaly like black burns on the new growth. Shes doing good today tho started shooting out pistils im just going to continue giving...
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    Haha all good man thanks for your re assurance i do need to stress less haha :) just curious how long have you been growing for :)?
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    H hmm i seriously dont know :( im stunned she does look healthy and going throigh stretch apart from some of the leaves and burning new growth dunno what it could be
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    This is my other one which is starting to flower have done exactly the same :S
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    I dont get it as my tent is well ventilated and the temp never goes above 25. And what do you mean done to it?? And the leaves are starting to get like black scortches on them and falling off
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    posted :)
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    Here we are
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    Ok will do
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    Here we go the bottom one is of the top
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    Ahh this is what the new growth looks like but its only on a couple branches in the middle and no where else really? Looks like its being burnt off and dying maybe a severe case of nutrient burn hey? Changed to my hps today
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    Nute burn ? No nutes added, canna terra pro

    Here this is off cannas website
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    Nute burn ? No nutes added, canna terra pro

    Hey man canna terra pro should have ph between 5.8-6.2 this is not soil its peat moss
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    I know they can be quite complicated ahh
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    yeah defanitly not for this plant i just flushed her gonna leave her till she dries. Then maybe 1 more water then quater to half strength nutes how does this sound? You all see its no ph trouble and i have a good ph pen that i calibrate with fresh calibration solution every week!
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    I know you guys said dont flush but i didnt want all my new growth to keep dying
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    My run off for this plant! I just gave her a flush new growth is starting to die on lower branches. Cant take this anymore haha.
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    The other plant is taking it i have to up her feeding a bit as there was a nitrogen deficiency defanitly and the other one takes the same schedule as well. More nutrients for one less for the other i guess
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    Is this N toxicity or??

    haha it may seem it but if thats what canna reccomends for canna terra then im sure thats right!