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  1. A

    This problem is beating me need urgent help guys

    Hey mate yeah thats what i thought has happened to. I watered both with 1/4 strength nutes today i now have bottom leaves drying up and falling off and they are not yellow at all. i dont have a ppm metre only a oh metre and a good one at that il try and buy a ppm metre soon :) il have to save up...
  2. A

    This problem is beating me need urgent help guys

    Hey man watered with 1/4 strength nutes today whats for next? Just plain water??
  3. A

    This problem is beating me need urgent help guys

    Alright no worries man yeah it hard to say lol. So just 1/4 or half strength nutes just keep it to the flowrring nutes and cal mag yeah?
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    This problem is beating me need urgent help guys

    The nutes i have are Terra flores Bio canna vega and flores Hydrococo a+b dutchfest Cal-mag Heavy weight
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    This problem is beating me need urgent help guys

    Yeah the peat moss is shit i would of done better in coco and next round is defanitly coco. I will have to buy more canna terra professional on tuesday which is 3 days away ahh and its expensive shit lol. What do you think i should be doing now? Feeding more feeding less just giving water??
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    This problem is beating me need urgent help guys

    Buds seem really small at 2 weeks i reckon been 3 weeks flowering 1 week for the pistils to start coming up and then atart forming
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    This problem is beating me need urgent help guys

    And the better female but getting weird leaves yellowing from the tips to the middle and crisping
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    This problem is beating me need urgent help guys

    The worst of them all
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    This problem is beating me need urgent help guys

    Hey guys the problem is getting worse :( do you think it could be rootbound?
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    This problem is beating me need urgent help guys

    Well i stopped feeding when the leaves turned all burnt and crispy i foilar feed today to hopefully thatll get it back to normal.
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    This problem is beating me need urgent help guys

    I am seriously not sure hey i just gave 3/4 nutes today cos the tops are going yellow havent feed in couple weeks
  12. A

    This problem is beating me need urgent help guys

    I use dutchfest coco hydro a.b and i have bio canna vega and flores ppm and ec i dont test
  13. A

    This problem is beating me need urgent help guys

    Il be honest i tried to flush today with 5 x 9 litre watering cans and the ph would not drop at all it was at 6.4 everytime i added water to flush i put my ph to 6 5.8 5.0! And 4.5 and the ph on the run off stayed at 6.4-6.3 everytime And this is onky after inadded the first lot of flowering...
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    This problem is beating me need urgent help guys

    Ok i will ph to 6.5 see how it goes its so trippy haha next grow its coco atleaste you cant really over water or over feed
  15. A

    This problem is beating me need urgent help guys

    i also have a good ph metre cost me 120 bucks not one of those yellow things for 5 bucks haha also i have calibratiion soloution for 4.0 and 7.0 oh and storage solution so dont think ph is prob
  16. A

    This problem is beating me need urgent help guys

    from the canopy bro is 40 cm/ i just use regular water but let it sit for like like a week haha. and messing with ph nute soluton? no way brother i always put it in at 6.0 or 5.9 nothing else. it has me beat :(
  17. A

    This problem is beating me need urgent help guys

    i know i wont lose my plants but i want the yield and quality to be as good as possible with whats going on im not going to get it haha. i get so much diff ansers i need a real reply not saying your wrong lol
  18. A

    This problem is beating me need urgent help guys

    I keep asding cal mag i dont get it
  19. A

    This problem is beating me need urgent help guys

    Hey guys so 2 females in to 3 weeks flower. They seem to be yellowing on the top older leaves the bottoms are fine and the edges are burning is it nute burn nitrogen toxicity or hps light burn or a mixture of them? Please let me know Grow tent Light 400 watt hps cooltube Soil Canna terra...