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  1. bubblegum420

    4 days after flush!!

    cool I'll try that :peace:
  2. bubblegum420

    4 days after flush!!

    ok! recently flushed me over nuted plant, the leafs are upturned and the bottom leafs going a bit brown. You reckon there could be a mg deficiency as well? any tips?
  3. bubblegum420

    So whats would happen in the UK?

    I agree, id still be toking! lol! The thing is you reckon the conservative gov would be more lienient? I know labour sucks but what would the conservatives do? Fingers crossed as there greedy buggers just de-crim it and TAX it! :mrgreen: Quite funny story today, my old man came round and...
  4. bubblegum420

    Is this Normal after flushing???

    nice one dudes! its been a couple of days since flush and the soil is still quite moist, so ill leave it another day or 2 and see what happens! :joint::peace:
  5. bubblegum420

    Is this Normal after flushing???

    lol! Vinegar? REally? do i just add a few drops to my water? Ive read the my leafs turning up may be due to a mg deficiancy, can i mix epsom salt and vinegar into my water?
  6. bubblegum420

    Is this Normal after flushing???

    Thanks! so just leave it as be and fingers crossed it will come back to normal? Also how can i get my soil PH down? Think mines around 7 - 7.5!
  7. bubblegum420

    Is this Normal after flushing???

    anyone! lol! :mrgreen:
  8. bubblegum420

    Is this Normal after flushing???

    Ok! so i had a bit of a nute problem with my plant and I flushed it on recommendation. All seem to be ok at the moment but the 2nd set of leafs have sort of stood up on a 90 degree angle, only 3 leafs mind you, one has actully almost folded back on itself?!? Is this normal? Whats going on...
  9. bubblegum420

    So whats would happen in the UK?

    that sounds pretty mad to say the least! so you toke all day every day? whats the best strain you've grown?
  10. bubblegum420

    So whats would happen in the UK?

    Sorry to hear that dude! didnt mean to offend if caused! :peace:
  11. bubblegum420

    So whats would happen in the UK?

    Ye from the home office: Cannabis classification Basic information about the classification of cannabis, and penalties for possession. The Home Secretary has recommended that cannabis should be reclassified to a Class B drug. The decision reflects the fact that skunk, a much stronger version...
  12. bubblegum420

    So whats would happen in the UK?

    lmao! so basically keep on going cause they cant come in your house, thermal your house or put you inside cause theres no room at the inn!! Youl probabaly get a 6 month tag or community service i reckon!
  13. bubblegum420

    So whats would happen in the UK?

    I think we just lost the war dude! But we will keep on fighting!! or was that growing lol!! So you really reckon they would send you down? thats pretty gay!
  14. bubblegum420

    So whats would happen in the UK?

    I remember that crap, you could grind it on your teeth! lol! :joint:
  15. bubblegum420

    So whats would happen in the UK?

    plus, i dunno where u live but ive never seen a chopper go over my house. i get more paranoid about all the sirens every night. must get about at least 6 sirens a night. only reason im not paranoid about them is bcoz they turn there sirens off when they get close to location, so no need to worry...
  16. bubblegum420

    So whats would happen in the UK?

    well i keep hearing it on BBC but I havent seen anything official! So with out any previous you recon it would be a slap on the wrist dont do it agin type thing? What about warrents? Im guessing there would need proabably cause to come into your house?
  17. bubblegum420

    So whats would happen in the UK?

    Dudes / Dudettes and mentalmen! :smile: I have a question for all in UK. So now that our lovely friend has been reclassified to a class B, what you reckon you would get if you were busted with 3-4 plants? Do they need a warrent in the UK to search your house? YOu reckon they are always thamal...
  18. bubblegum420

    Getting busted UK style??

    Dudes / Dudettes and mentalmen! :) I have a question for all in UK. So now that our lovely friend has been reclassified to a class B, what you reckon you would get if you were busted with 3-4 plants? Do they need a warrent in the UK to search your house? YOu reckon they are always thamal imagin...
  19. bubblegum420

    Upturned leafs??

    Well its defo grown today :) Its jusr 2 leafs on the 2nd batch down have folded all the others at the top are fine and green! What about my seedling do they need light before they hatch? :)
  20. bubblegum420

    Upturned leafs??

    I have recently flushed one of my plants as i over nuted it! its seems to have reacted well but i have looked at it today and a couple of the leafs have pretty much folded up and back on themselves?? Whats going on there? Also i have just potted a couple of sprouted seeds, do they need...