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  1. 2beanklm

    help...seeds dnt seem 2 be doing anything

    i start mine under 600 mh with no problems. it's just you need to monitor the heat. place a thermometer on top of your pots and keep that temp in the mid 70's. i do however start them in 3 gallon pots to hold in the moisture. remember you can be much farther away with that light and still be...
  2. 2beanklm

    Think I Shoulda Germinated them first !!!

    Well it is day 3 since i put the seed directly in the dirt and no sign of anything popping out yet. first time not germinating in paper towels. hope i don't regret that choice.
  3. 2beanklm

    Ordering from Nirvana, what are a few names of easy strands to grow?

    i second the aurora choice. i couldn't kill them. LOL.
  4. 2beanklm

    A different way to rehydrate bud

    i'm in new england. works well here in the winter anyway.
  5. 2beanklm

    How much from 6 3/4 ozs wet will i end up with?

    i agree with 20% almost exactly. ended up with 1 oz 12 grams. that was 1 of my 7 girls the second 1 was just shy of 8 oz wet. still not dry yet and 5 more are still finishing up.
  6. 2beanklm

    I need an expert eye

    dude thats a sick cola you got there. by sick i mean awesome. LOL. i'm not sure they will finish much more missing all the fan leaves. i try to leave a few on but it looks close to me. guess you gt be the judge on that call.
  7. 2beanklm

    How much water do newly-planted seeds need?...

    you want to keep the top soil pretty moist during germination after they start forming leaves you can let them dry out more before watering again. i can't give you a real idea as i always start mine in 3 gallon pots. i make my soil fert mix a week before planting seeds. on the day of planting i...
  8. 2beanklm

    good quality timers

    got 2 of these they work great.
  9. 2beanklm

    6 weeks how much longer? (pics)

    i'm guessing 10 weeks. flush at 8.5 weeks.
  10. 2beanklm

    How to use the microscope?

    tweezers!! reach in and pull a small clump from your bud put it on a table and then you can get a real nice view of it. plus it gets you out of your hid lighting which makes it look more cloudy than it is. also saves the scope from all that sticky crap on it. plus your buds will thank you for...
  11. 2beanklm

    How long on these babies? 7 wks flower

    tweezers are your best friend now. pull a small clump from a bud with them and view it on a table rather than tring to view the whole bud on the plant.
  12. 2beanklm

    A different way to rehydrate bud

    ok i'm sure someone else has done this and it makes so much sence that i can't believe i never thought of it. instead of sticking a piece of apple or carrot or whatever in your jars to rehydrate bud that might have gotten alittle to dry here is what i did. i took my room temperture jar of...
  13. 2beanklm

    50 days since signs of sex, underimpressed :( thoughts? w/pics

    oh also what light are you using?
  14. 2beanklm

    50 days since signs of sex, underimpressed :( thoughts? w/pics

    you will know believe me. they should get plumper and alot of the small leaves on the buds will begin to dry out and die. it will be in the 63 to 70 day by the looks. i have always found that the old saying is true "when you think it is done give it anoter week". i would flush them at day 60 if...
  15. 2beanklm

    Vegitating for longer time help! Newbie

    why do you need them to catch up? is it due to the distance from the light? if so just find a way to raise the shorter plants to the same height as the tall ones. i use a plastic milk crate.
  16. 2beanklm

    crazy ass shit

    just remeber if your friend is renting and some work needs to be done on phone, electric, cable tv, water pipes, sewer, possibly gas pipes or heating fuel there is a chance someone might need to access this area. that is probably why it was there in the first place. also i would try to find out...
  17. 2beanklm

    harvest pic

    good work :clap:
  18. 2beanklm

    How long on these babies? 7 wks flower

    best way to tell in that case is sample a small bud to see what you think.
  19. 2beanklm

    50 days since signs of sex, underimpressed :( thoughts? w/pics

    they need longer. you would have to leave them a long time to degrade them. if you don't have a scope watch for the hairs to be mostly all red and look like they are shrinking back into the bud. also at this point they should lokk alot more iced over. what strain it is really depends on the...
  20. 2beanklm

    How long to soak seeds?

    Don't be sorry dude. thats a good question. from what i understand they don't need light until they get above the soil.