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  1. 2beanklm

    How long to soak seeds?

    need a head start because my last grow went longer than expected and my window to finish the next grow is june first. after that the temperture in my grow room will reach above 90 degrees on a hot day without the lights on and i can't afford to run lights and an air conditioner.
  2. 2beanklm

    How long on these babies? 7 wks flower

    How many days you got into them now? i'm still working the aurora and today is day 70. 2 of the 7 have finished but a couple aren't really that close. i think those 2 could probably go 12 weeks easy but i may take thm sooner as i want 1 more grow before it gets to hot in my grow room in summer...
  3. 2beanklm

    Question about percentage of males

    ok people working from seed. is there any way to estimate your percentage of male to female plants you get? just trying to see if i should start a certain amount of plants to try and end up with around 10 female plants? done a couple grows with fem seeds but would like to try just regular for a...
  4. 2beanklm

    All about advance nutrients

    i like them. have seen good results with sensi grow/bloom and big bud powder. i'm thinking on my next grow doing some using A.N. and some without to see the difference.
  5. 2beanklm

    It's still going. today is day 70. out of 7 girls only 2 have finished so far. it was a strong...

    It's still going. today is day 70. out of 7 girls only 2 have finished so far. it was a strong grower , but i wouldn't call it the most powerful strain. very relaxing and couch locking though. good bedtime smoke.
  6. 2beanklm

    Anyone with ordering experience from HTG supply?

    ordered alot from them fast shipping no problems.
  7. 2beanklm

    How long to soak seeds?

    seems to me you would have alittle head start if you soaked them for 24 hours
  8. 2beanklm

    vinegar kills

    not sure but perhaps if your water is 7-7.5 maybe you need less but mine is somewhere around 8.5 from the tap and 1 tbls per gallon is just rigt. i never check it any more just add my nutes and the vinegar and water the plants.
  9. 2beanklm

    How long to soak seeds?

    thought i might try soaking for germination instead of paper towels. how long do you guys going this route let them soak before the soil?
  10. 2beanklm

    Anyone out there using Advanced Nutrients??

    i use sensi grow / bloom and big bud with good results.
  11. 2beanklm

    New growers do your home work

    I just wanted to thank everyone on r.i.u. If you are new to growing spend a couple of weeks on here before you purchase any thing to start out. everything you need to know is right here and it's free. my first indoor try was a hugh success.
  12. 2beanklm

    vinegar kills

    1 bottle of vinegar is a hell of alot cheaper than that soil.
  13. 2beanklm

    How much from 6 3/4 ozs wet will i end up with?

    they had been 4 days since watering. i came up with 1 1/2 taking 6.75 ozs and multipling by .25
  14. 2beanklm

    Never use vinegar

    These were watered with 1 tbls vineger per gallon.
  15. 2beanklm

    how long left?

    my opinion is when they look ready you have 1-2 weeks to go and usually after that extra time you will notice that they have really iced over
  16. 2beanklm

    How much from 6 3/4 ozs wet will i end up with?

    they are tight buds so i'm hoping aliitle more. thats the first of 7 plants just trying to get a feel what i'll end up with. look like 8+ ozs if that formula works out.
  17. 2beanklm

    How long Do you all let your northern light strains go?

    i've been told that northern lights and x's contaning n.l. take alittle more than 9 weeks. got some at 9 weeks that is getting real close but still mostly clear in the scope.
  18. 2beanklm

    How much from 6 3/4 ozs wet will i end up with?

    I have heard about 25% of the wet wet when dry. do you all find this to be true?
  19. 2beanklm

    WHY?!? hermies.

    how long do the seeds take to form completely?
  20. 2beanklm

    WHY?!? hermies.

    still not really an answer as no one has said they have seeds..... just bananas and wondering how long before we will have seeds or if we even need worry this late in flowering?