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  1. K

    Advanced Nutrients Overdrive question

    I'm coming up on week 8 in flowering and about to start using Overdrive. How much should I start out using (tsp/gal) and should I gradually increase the amount or stay the same the whole time?
  2. K

    fans on while lights off?

    Should I have my fans on or off while the lights are out? If on, should I keep them on high or low? Thanks for the help.
  3. K

    Exhaust/intake off during lights off?

    ya true, but the point is to get the temps down a bit anyways
  4. K

    Are these temps bad?

    Ya I have a portable AC unit that helps a bit, but not much unless the intake fan and exhaust are off. I'm planning on getting a co2 generator sometime soon as well.
  5. K

    Exhaust 24/7?

    bah ya it was too big i'll get one up in a's a big room, 14x10x8. I've been keeping the intake off during the day, but leave the exhaust on. Is exhaust safe to keep off for that long when I'm already 5 weeks into flowering? or maybe just have the exhuast on for 15 min sat a time
  6. K

    Are these temps bad?

    heres the room layout if it helps...
  7. K

    Should I bother switching light time?

    heres a pic if it helps at all... i just think if i could keep the exhaust and intake off during lights out (daytime) then it could help me keep the temps down a lot. Would this room be big enough to allow me to do that? Im just worried the air exchange wont be good enough
  8. K

    Exhaust 24/7?

    heres a pic of the room... i just need to know if it would be ok to leave exhaust/intake off during lights out (daytime) so i can keep my temps down a bit.
  9. K

    Exhaust/intake off during lights off?

    Ok then does this sound good? Keep exhaust/intake on during lights on (night) and then during lights out (day) have the exhaust and fan on a timer so they go on for 15 mins every hour or so? Could I get away with less than that?
  10. K

    Exhaust/intake off during lights off?

    Well they are 5 weeks into flowering...I have them both on during the night, when lights are on. If I leave them both on during the day it gets wasy too hot up there, so I keep the intake fan off, but now I think I might need to leave exhaust off during day too so it doesn't take all my AC...
  11. K

    Should I bother switching light time?

    ya it can get aronud 90 with my lights off, but like i said, lights go off during hte day. I keep the AC on 24/7, but now I'm thinking about maybe just keeping my intake/exhaust off until lights come on during hte night, so the AC can keep the room a little cooler during the day (lights off)...
  12. K

    Exhaust/intake off during lights off?

    My lights off period is during the day and thats when the temps are hard to manage. Would it be ok to keep my exhaust/intake off for the whole day until lights come on during hte night, just to keep hte temps down?
  13. K

    Should I bother switching light time?

    Ya I have one and keep the hum at 50%. I've been keeping exhaust on 24/ you think it would be ok to keep it off while lights are off so the AC unit can cool down the room a bit better?
  14. K

    Should I bother switching light time?

    Ya, I have an AC unit up there. I leave that thing running all day and night now. The room is big and the exhaust is on 24/7 so it's hard to maintain really low temps at any time in there. During hte night (lights on) i can probably maintain 75-83 tmeps. During the day (lights off) I can...
  15. K

    Should I bother switching light time?

    Ya it would be hotter a little hotter during the day, but colder durin lights out... thats why i dont know if itd be worth it or not.
  16. K

    Are these temps bad?

    The room is 14x10x8. it's on the second floor, so a lot hotter. During the day the its so hot up there and thats when the lights are off, so thats why its 90. I keep exhaust on all day and a have a big intake fan thats about 12" blade to blade, but I keep it off during the day so it doesn't...
  17. K

    Should I bother switching light time?

    Currently, my plants are 5 weeks into flowering and I have the lights on during night and off during day. I realize that temps should be a little lower during the night, so do you think I should switch it aronud? During hot days the day time temps can get up to 90, would that be better for...
  18. K

    Are these temps bad?

    They are 5 weeks into flower... I just went up there and lights are off at 90 degrees. I need to switch this to lights on during day...Should I just go ahead and extend the night?
  19. K

    Are these temps bad?

    Well I should be fine then, but is 83-88 too high for when lights are off?
  20. K

    Are these temps bad?

    So I should probably switch lights on to daytime then?