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  1. K

    Enough fresh air?

    Would just having a few holes in the room as passive intake be good enough? Leaving the big intake fan off during the day and turning it on at night when lights go on, while keeping exhaust on 24/7
  2. K

    When should I water?

    kk thanks for the help guys!
  3. K

    Enough fresh air?

    The room I'm working with is about 14x10. I have a big intake fan posted up on a wall that lets a little fresh air in through a little gap. Usually the fresh air is really hot outside the grow room (2nd floor). With this fan blowing all day it brings too much hot air in, but also gives the...
  4. K

    Exhaust 24/7?

    How often should I have the exahust come on then? During hte day (lights out) is the hardest for me to maintian low temps. I closed off a lot behind the intake fan so it's not bringing AS much fresh hot air in. WIth my AC running constantly to keep temps down during day, should I still keep...
  5. K

    Heat problem

    Well in my case, should I just leave the intake fan all the time because it makes a lot of breeze. then have the exhaust on a 15 min timer? im just trying to figure out which way would allow the room to get as low as possible.
  6. K

    Heat problem

    on a very hot day it used to get low 90s before the AC. The AC helps to keep it down a little while exhaust/intake are on, but I need them to get down a little more. That's why I think I need to have the exhaust/intake on a timer. Maybe 30 mins on 15 off? 15 on 15 off? Or should I keep one...
  7. K

    Heat problem

    It's on the second floor, so during the day it's going to be HOT. I cut a few passive holes behind a big cfm fan post on the wall so allow some fresh, but hot, air get in the room. It's about 140 sq ft room with 8' tall ceilings. I'm messing with the setup to see what will maintain a better...
  8. K

    Heat problem

    my lights do run at's just the day that seems to hurt the most up there. There is no way for me to intake cooler air outside the room during the day. So, would keeping exhaust/intake on for 15 min intervals be smart, allowing the AC to cool the room down? Maybe just hte intake fan...
  9. K

    When should I water?

    thanks for the help...sometimes its hard to determine if they need water. when i say small they are just a different strain, but same stage. If I stick my finger an inch down into the smaller ones they are just a little bit moister than the larger. Is that a sure fire way to see if they need...
  10. K

    Heat problem

    can anyone please help?
  11. K

    Exhaust/intake problem please help

    can anyone please help?
  12. K

    Swamp cooler or AC?

    I have a pretty big cfm fan that brings in a little air from another room, which is usually hot. I keep it on 15 mins and off 15 mins just to exchange air and let the AC cool down the room, does htat make snese?
  13. K

    When should I water?

    I've been watering my plants every 2-3 days...some of the bigger ones seem to take up the water a lot faster and are a lot lighter than my smaller ones. When the big ones are pretty dry and light compared to the smaller, even just 2 days after, should I go ahead and water those? I think I...
  14. K

    Exhaust/intake problem please help

    I'm trying to figure out a good way to time these 2... Would it be a good idea to keep them both on for 15 mins then off for 15? See, I have a big fan that had to be nailed up to the wall behind the room, so some of the hot air in the outside room (2nd floor) is being pulled into the grow room...
  15. K

    Exhaust on timer?

    What if I had it on for 15 mins then off for 15? See, I have a big fan that had to be nailed up to the wall behind the room, so some of the hot air in the outside room (2nd floor) is being pulled into the grow room. I'm trying to figure out a way to maintain lower temps because I also have an...
  16. K

    How much Overdrive per gallon?

    im doing soil too
  17. K

    Exhaust/Intake fan on timer

    Well, do you think it would be smart to run them both on and off for 15 mins at a time so the ac unit can keep the room cool? Maybe put them to go on for 15 mins and then off for 30? What do you all think? The intake brings in some hot air from the outside room so i try to leave it off...
  18. K

    How much Overdrive per gallon?

    I'm about to start adding overdrive to my 1/4 tspn/ gal bloom nutes and 1/4 tspn/gal big bud. What should I start overdrive at and should I maintain that same amount til flush?
  19. K

    Big Bud with Overdrive?

    And you're talking in ounces right? So if about 6 tspns to a ounce then you'd be doing 12 tspns of BB to 15 gallons? I thought you were supposed ot keep the BB at about 1/3 of that the whole time. If it works for oyu I'll probably try to do what you said and see how it goes.
  20. K

    Big Bud with Overdrive?

    so when did you start to add the overdrive with big bud? Do you keep using that same amount until flush?