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  1. newGrows


    Also we should know what strain you're growing. Looks like a potential potassium lockout from here but the coloring is different and i'm guessing it's something unique to your genetics.
  2. newGrows

    need Advice with clones

    Bump for lighting answers, I can't talk from experience but i've read that after 2 days add a small cfl and after 7-10 they should be ready for the big lights. I have a question about his original plan of adding nutes. If people suggest that when I clone I should lower nitrogen for the plant I...
  3. newGrows

    Cloning!! thanks for any answers!!!

    Haha no need for any other bros, you have been amazingly helpful, have a great time.
  4. newGrows

    Cloning!! thanks for any answers!!!

    So that branch you are holding (correct me if I'm wrong) I think you can get 3 clones out of there. Btw it looks like you have taken a bunch of the lower branches for clones, i see a few lighter green areas that look like they were once branches. EDIT: I think i see it now, do you have a...
  5. newGrows

    will my seedling survive?

    YW, sometimes when mine looked like they were on the brink of death (which happened a lot in the beginning) I came on here crying and thats all it really took since the problem is usually solved by gentle watering and waiting.
  6. newGrows

    Roots that grow huge

    HI all, what do you do when roots grow so long in an aero system that they actually dip into the res (a full foot below the plant)? Now its basically a bubbleponics/ aero hybrid. Can that present any problems and will the plant still get the benefits of aero since some of the roots are still...
  7. newGrows

    Root rot?

    Have you ever heard of aquashield?
  8. newGrows

    Cloning!! thanks for any answers!!!

    I mean if i do one cut where the gun is pointing and one cut below it just above where the stem comes out of the main stem will i have two clones or will only the one where the gun is pointing work? And After i cut that all off there will still be a leaf coming out of the node on the main stem...
  9. newGrows

    will my seedling survive?

    Lol you let kids chew pencils…. I think that seedling is going to be fine, i've seen plants recover from worse.
  10. newGrows

    Cloning!! thanks for any answers!!!

    Thats the stem i was referring to yea, so if i cut there I get one clone above it, and if I cut below there i get another clone, so thats two total clones from that one branch? Edit: and after that will the branch basically be dead or will it still possible continue to grow? Thanks so much for...
  11. newGrows

    Cloning!! thanks for any answers!!!

    Please forgive if this post is difficult to follow, I don't have any technical terms to speed it up. So in the picture I have included focus on the stem that is most in focus in the picture about an inch (on my screen) to the right of the 2nd finger from the top (the one that is pointing). I...
  12. newGrows

    Cloning!! thanks for any answers!!!

    Thanks so much for the response. Is there anything I should treat the tops of the cuttings that do not have a growth tip with? Or can i just put my gel/powder on the bottom and stick them in the dome in jiffy pellets like all the others? Edit: related follow up question, If I have a leaf with...
  13. newGrows

    Cloning!! thanks for any answers!!!

    Ok so lowest part, but how tall should each clone be? How many nodes? In one of the sticky someone mentions it is possible to cut up a branch and get many clones with only one that has an actual growth tip. Does this work?
  14. newGrows

    Clone questions

    So you are saying to cover the bottom and top cuts of the lower parts of the branch in rooting gel? 1 leaf per clone enough? What's the success rate of the clones that don't have an actual growth tip?
  15. newGrows

    Could a few meters of this work?

    Looks like the SMD is 24 watts > than the one on ebay yet the voltage is 100 less? How does that work? Also on the color, White is better than red/blue? Are you saying that because these particular lights are weak or generally?
  16. newGrows

    Could a few meters of this work? Assuming I got it in purple or a combo of red/blue
  17. newGrows

    Foliar spray

    I actually did start a new one in an aero setup that I built from the ground up. I'm super excited to see how that turns out. She just popped up :) I'm not giving up on this plant though. If nothing else i've learned a lot and even though it seems like every move i make is a mistake i'm gonna...
  18. newGrows

    HELP please

    Guys I'm stressing hard over this. I self diagnosed yesterday as potassium and phosphorous as well as a possible continuation of the mg/cal and gave 900 ppm total consisting of 250 ppm cal/mag 350 ppm potassium and 300 ppm of phosphorus. I'm seeing the same problems spreading to the new growth...
  19. newGrows

    Leaf life

    Thanks for the info guys. Puts my mind at ease after watching nute problems ravage leaves… she will one day be healthy! Pics are here if you are interested.