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  1. gangaguru975

    Vegging with cfl's?

    Should be plenty of light for up to 1 foot. Go atleast 1 bulb per clone with one of those cone reflectors on them though. for more vigorous grow try to suround the clone with light. maybe try a Y spliter and 2 bulbs per plant. I did 4 26w clfs per plant...
  2. gangaguru975

    new to fluorescents. how much light?

    I Think CFLs are great if you only intend to grow a few plants. After that the clutter and cost per lumen out weighs the intial cost of the 400w mh / hps setup. With just a few small/ mid sized plants you can easily stick to 100w per plant for veg and 200w per plant for flowering though. I...
  3. gangaguru975

    check this out

    I'm really likin the tub!!! looks good. looks like you need better ventilation though. I personally would use if for veg only though. because your have what.. a foot of grow space minus the lights and planters??? keep it up mang
  4. gangaguru975

    The Homemade $100 Grow box

    These side shoots??? I'm kinda hoping the side shoots will come out from under the fan leaves and catch up to the top of the plant. So that way it will grow more like a bush than a tree. My last CFL grow this happend and all the side branching colas were as big as top of the plant cola.
  5. gangaguru975

    The Homemade $100 Grow box

    No, they dont really increase in number. whats there kinda just explodes with life. For every fan leaf set there is a budding branch that come out of the armpit of it. HAHA, I'll show you what I mean...
  6. gangaguru975

    The Homemade $100 Grow box

    only 4 inches of growth in 2 weeks but its really bushed out though.
  7. gangaguru975

    My best CFL set-up yet

    The left plant got a little nutrient burn on some bottom leaves. The foxfarm ocean forest soil already containts a lot of nutes still I guess. I'm using Techna Flora nutes for right now. I watered it with the nutrients on week 3. I'm going fert, water, water, fert... Think I might hold off...
  8. gangaguru975

    The Homemade $100 Grow box

    I had time to do it today instead of waiting till tomorrow. december 29 week 4 The right one. about 6 inches tall. Decided to throw a little red in the spectrum before going full 2700k above shot of left one Right one
  9. gangaguru975

    My best CFL set-up yet

    I had time to do it today instead of waiting till tomorrow. december 29 week 4 The right one. about 6 inches tall. Decided to throw a little red in the spectrum before going full 2700k above shot of left one Right one
  10. gangaguru975

    My best CFL set-up yet

    I'll post more pics soon. This has kinda turned into a picture journal.
  11. gangaguru975

    The Homemade $100 Grow box

    hey, i'll post more pictures on week 4/ december 30th. I'm thinking about starting flowering on new years. The plants are about 15 inches wide and 6 inches tall right now I think I might wait till week 5/ january 6. Because I want them to be about 10 - 12 inches tall when i start flowering I...
  12. gangaguru975

    1st CFL grow

    Your first CFL grow if all goes right. you'll probably get around an ounce off a 2+ foot plant. It varies by strain, enviroment, and nutrients though. :peace:
  13. gangaguru975

    CFL Feeding Schedule?

    You'll have to pay for that book.
  14. gangaguru975

    latex vs acrylic

    I perfer Latex, Because I think it seals pourous marerials better.
  15. gangaguru975

    CFL 12"x13"x24" exhaust question

    CPU fans are dirt cheap and easy to find. I think a 4 inch cpu fan would do the size of your box well. As for light escaping, I suggest going to home dePot and getting baffled vent cover.
  16. gangaguru975

    First time grower need advice.

    A few questions would help to know. How close are your lights to the foliage??? what are you using to check the temp??? And do you know the ph of your soil and water???
  17. gangaguru975

    The Homemade $100 Grow box

    well the box itself was just under $50 to construct. thats minus the mylar, planters, white paint, soil, ect... ect... I already had the light set up also. probably $150 light set up including the 8 42w bulbs.
  18. gangaguru975

    My best CFL set-up yet

    Yeah man, I agree. One bulb would work, if "you" so choose. I'm doing mine differently though... This isnt my first grow or even my second... I know what works for me. :peace:
  19. gangaguru975

    My best CFL set-up yet

    Thanx for the tip. I've tried using cut up pop can reflectors before, But it seemed like they were just reflecting more heat toward the plant. The area was noticably brighter though. maybe a few heat vents at the top of the can would have helped... I kinda just figured the mylar completly...
  20. gangaguru975

    My best CFL set-up yet

    Thanx for the comment. I've had the lights 2 inches from foliage the entire time. I'd go closer if I could, but I know I'd burn them really quick. I dont have a fan blowing directly on the cfls yet.. :peace: