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  1. gangaguru975

    My best CFL set-up yet

    ~day 15~ 2 inches tall and on its 6th set of leaves Side view
  2. gangaguru975

    The Homemade $100 Grow box

    ~day 15~ About 2 inches tall and on its 6th set of leafs
  3. gangaguru975

    first grow juss needed input and advice..

    I messed up in something I said. I ment to say you should use a bluer range of light like 6500k for the "VEG" stage not flower, My bad homie!
  4. gangaguru975

    The Homemade $100 Grow box

    day 10 looks like this one is a sativa strain. I think this one might be an indica variety. just an above shot to show the space I have.
  5. gangaguru975


    So are you going to use a lower color temp than 5000k for flowering??? :peace:
  6. gangaguru975

    200w vitalume proximity to foilage

    What do, you think? :peace:
  7. gangaguru975

    23 watt cfl grow

    First off, A whole bunch more... For cheap I would say get 4, 42w, 2700k CFL's per plant. But you said 6 plants right? you might as well get like 2, 200w enviro lights with hoods. Haha, but for the price of 2 of those, you might as well get a 400w hps.
  8. gangaguru975

    Need Help With CFL Flowering Bulb Selection

    I've heard the 200w Enviro lights are the best CFL's for flowering your ladies.
  9. gangaguru975

    first grow juss needed input and advice..

    I dont mean to rag on you. I'm just tryin to help you out. You asked for advice right? So heres mine.. First, I think you might have a hard time controling temps later on with more light and just an ocilating fan. All that foil on the wall is just going to reflect heat. If you are going to stick...
  10. gangaguru975

    My best CFL set-up yet

    after 2 more days of growth day 8
  11. gangaguru975

    The Homemade $100 Grow box

    So far, so good. now its day 8 from surface break. No stretch from 4 CFL's per plant the 2nd plant is about a day behind it seems.
  12. gangaguru975

    Hydroganics Grow #1

    So are you just pouring your nute solution in the tray every day? That might be a pain after awhile. What I did for my last hydro grow was use a 10 gal rubbermaid tub with a small $20 aquarium pump in it. With a tube leading up to the upperflood table. Then just put a over flow tube about 4...
  13. gangaguru975

    plants in the winter

    I am just speculating what I think would happen. I have never attempted a winter grow. Because I know the prime outdoor growing season for my region. I never said it wasn't possible, it seems like a waste of effort to try and hide a 5 foot plant in mom and dads back yard.
  14. gangaguru975

    plants in the winter

    He was talking about just throwing some seeds in the back yard with a plastic bag over it. I would imagine your guys growing season in alaska is a bit different than in the pacific northwest also. I dont think there is any way he could hide a 5 foot plant in the back yard. unless he lives on a...
  15. gangaguru975

    a bit more than a hobby garden

    sound good that it worked out in the end. Can you post pictures or your set up now in december???
  16. gangaguru975

    plants in the winter

    They will have a very long vegging period and be very big if they make it though winter to spring/summer. Just remember, they are not going to flower outside till atleast late august/early september. you might as well wait then risk winter.
  17. gangaguru975

    Howhigh's CfL bagseed grow journal

    do you have any more updates on growing?
  18. gangaguru975

    Secret backyard bagseed grow attempt#2

    Dude you live in washington right? I live in oregon, I think your a bit late in the growing season to be starting in november! people usually start growing outdoors in spring/ early summer, so they have a crop in september/ october when the hours of light are naturally less in the northwest.
  19. gangaguru975

    My First Grow

    The seed might be too immature if its green. Usually seeds are brown with black spots, from what i've seen anyway. Dang though, the size of a popcorn kernal? no way! Has it sprouted a root or even cracked open yet???
  20. gangaguru975

    my 1st grow journal

    Nice, Nice, I like your set up in almost every way. what kind of nutrients are you using for your hydro grow???