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  1. gangaguru975

    ALL of RON PAUL’s replies @ ABC/N.H. debate on 1-05-08

    true that. especially nit mitt. he seems like a total duche bag. and rudy over and over brings up 911. thats all he talks about besides saying hes a good leader. since he was in office during 911. the only thing that upsets me about Ron Paul is that he is not as charasmatic or fluid and easy to...
  2. gangaguru975

    ideal co2 system for my setup??

    do you mean with brewers yeast in a 2 liter bottle? he could possible get the ppm high enough to have an effect since the space is small. possibly... ive never measered the amount/rate of co2 given off by yeast? has anyone?
  3. gangaguru975

    Fletch gettin dirty 2.0 style

    very nice pics fletch. your garden/crop looks great! how many weeks into veg till you think you need to switch to the 1000w MH to finish the veg? Also ive heard a few answers flying around but do you think you can get the same yeild from clones as you can from seed? either way with those 10+...
  4. gangaguru975

    help with choosing MH/HPS or CFLs

    yo and heres the cheapest hps & mh kit ive ever seen. its $170 for a 400w set-up. $120 for just the hps set-up. High Tech Garden Supply :bigjoint:
  5. gangaguru975

    help with choosing MH/HPS or CFLs

    If your going to be using a hps to flower all you really need is 4, 4 foot fluorescent tubes. Or just use 100-150watts of cfl lighting per plant for your vegg stage.just make sure you use daylight(6500k) or coolwhite tubes(4500k) but if your going to buy a HPS hood with a MH conversion you...
  6. gangaguru975

    Need help hash????

    I personally like to make edibles with my scraps. hash olive oil is really easy to make and you can store it for a long time for when you feel like makin brownies or just general cooking. my brother just recently made some dank peppermint icecream with his scraps. I just love the body high more...
  7. gangaguru975

    looked at my plants today

    i'd agree for the most part. but there are things you can get for hydro to improve the taste. like fruit extracts to increase sugar production. I deffinantly noticed a difference in taste since I used this my last crop. Banana Manna :weed:bongsmilie
  8. gangaguru975

    looked at my plants today

    haha! stay outta this squigggs. :wink:
  9. gangaguru975

    Leaf Edges Yellow!!!

    no its alright. i didnt realize you weren't in the U.S. they probably have grocery stores where you are with ro machines if you dont wanna pay the 100 quid for a few gallons of water.
  10. gangaguru975

    looked at my plants today

    great choice of plants only one i havnt tried is sweet tooth. and hmm I dont think fox farms makes purple maxx. their most popular liquid nutes are Big bloom, Tiger bloom, Grow big... either way you should be using more than just one nutrient solution. atleast one for the vegg stage and one for...
  11. gangaguru975

    Leaf Edges Yellow!!!

    ya not bad for the whole set up. what you can also do if you want ro water is to go down to whole foods, winco, or i think costco has a ro machine. all you have to do is take your jugs down there and pay i think 80 cents a gallon. i know its really cheap cause they just use tap water through...
  12. gangaguru975

    going to store, cfl or hps? nutes?

    if it was 14 inches tall about a month ago. was the 1 by 1 space your talking about the room you have for the light? or how much more room you have to grow in??? is this your first grow?
  13. gangaguru975

    The Bomb

    I c y u chose them. looks like a good small dense fast growing plant. and the seeds are pretty cheap. keep us updated on the grow mang. :peace:
  14. gangaguru975

    Leaf Edges Yellow!!!

    you could make one. but it would take alot of understanding on how reverse osmosis works before you go off building one. do some research here. great site/expanation. Howstuffworks "How does reverse osmosis work?" :peace:
  15. gangaguru975

    going to store, cfl or hps? nutes?

    what did you decide to get and how big is she now. can you post pics?
  16. gangaguru975


    wow damn i wish you did too. your ladie must be 8 feet tall if youve been vegging for year! what kinda light(s) are you using to vegg can they support such a big plant. and just think she will still grow another foot or so during flowering.
  17. gangaguru975

    safe indoor bug bomb???

    well are you treating bugs on the plants or in the same room as the plants? and what kind of bugs are you treating? these are things ppl need to know. deffinantly pick up something organic or non-toxic. heres a site with all the info you need on what to get for your grom rooms insect problems...
  18. gangaguru975

    quick hps distance question

    hmm, for a 150w hps as long as you keep airflow between the light and plant or keep the bulb cool, i'd say no less than 6 inches. :peace:
  19. gangaguru975

    Leaf Edges Yellow!!!

    haha dam your tap water ph is 8.3 you guys have some bad water in sanoma. your tap water must have chemicals in it to make it 8.3 cause thats crazy. maybe they treat your water with alot of chlorine. do you distill your water before watering. And as long as you watered them with the 6.4 ph water...
  20. gangaguru975

    New cfls what do you think?

    nice light set-up!... but you didnt move the lights close enough when they sprouted or from clone so they look a lil stretched. or did you sprout them with a different light set-up?