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  1. Indian Joker

    Is it to late to start from seed outside?

    I wouldn't think it would be. But I got some freebies from my seed order and think I might throw em in the ground and see what happens. Would they mature by fall?
  2. Indian Joker

    N-P-K values

    So I checked out the first 25 pages of the snake oil thread til they started getting in pissing contests. Lol. Seems like a good idea to keep your pant healthy throughout harvest. I don't know if I'm right to compare but for trees and other vegetables, basically and bearing plant, you don't see...
  3. Indian Joker

    N-P-K values

    Wow. Thank you all for your responses. All very valuable I'm thinking. It's obvious to stay gentle and start slow. Which was my general idea anyhow. I just was looking for advice on what a good ratio is. So I think the 1-3-2 is what I was looking for. And I'll check out the other threads...
  4. Indian Joker

    CANNABIS SEEDLINGS DYING, ( I think their burnt)

    Yeah for future reference leaves need light roots need dark. no light at all.
  5. Indian Joker

    N-P-K values

    Hey any insight on what bloom nutrients to use? I used G.H. flora nova grow for veg with out to much problems with deficiencies. So I'm planning on just using flora nova bloom since veg worked so well for me. But as I'm sure it is to the majority of growers, the content on N-P-K are confusing...
  6. Indian Joker

    mmm insects ?

    Neem oil man, benefits the plant in so many different ways. And is a great organic insecticide.
  7. Indian Joker

    What is this?

    I'm somewhat new myself. That last picture is happening to my ak-48. I can't be positive but I think personally is nutrient burn. And agreed on the others. Looks like magnesium problem.
  8. Indian Joker

    too much co2? regulator broke.

    I'm fairly new at growing. I did lots of research about c02 and my understanding is you can't really have to much. C02 too plants is like oxygen too humans. I agree with Canawizzard look around for other problems.
  9. Indian Joker

    Zinc Problems?

    The first pictures of the leaves is new growth. The ones with necrosis are older ones. Also Like I said previously the plants that are directly under the light seem more yellow then the ones on the sides. Could that have anything to do with discoloration?
  10. Indian Joker

    Zinc Problems?

    Nutrient list was given to me from an experienced grower. I know to each there own but he recommended I use sensi grow during veg and and sensi bloom during bloom obviously. Also Liquid Karma, Cal/Mag, and B-52. And I follow the measurements on the bottle.
  11. Indian Joker

    Zinc Problems?

    Also Just so you know the spots on the w.w., a little extra calcium took care of them on the new growth.
  12. Indian Joker

    Zinc Problems?

    It doesn't look like the necrosis it the same I'm not disagreeing with you but to give you a closer look here are some of the leaves. The Plants that seem to be affected most are the pineapple express and white widow. Also it seems like the plants that are directly under the light seem to have...
  13. Indian Joker

    Zinc Problems?

    I'm on my second medical grow and learned a lot on my first and continue to learn on my second. And I'm pretty sure what I have going on here is zinc deficiency. I am just to nervous to act on it. I did the same thing when I had calcium deficiency till I got an approval from another experienced...