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  1. Miko2

    Question About Light For A Seedling

    I'm not sure my self, it's a regular house light.. I took pics:
  2. Miko2

    Seed With A Short Root

    lol everyday same shit, read, smoke, forget, fall asleep, read smoke forget etc.. :)
  3. Miko2

    Question About Light For A Seedling

    I'm an outdoor grower, but sadly it's damn hot out there right now, tried few times to start from seeds, but I think heat killed them . (2 baby leaves showed up, but 2 days later they were dead) So before I put it outdoor again, I want to give it a little time (a week or so) indoor, til it...
  4. Miko2

    Seed With A Short Root

    Yeah I guess you're right about ordering early.. the risk is them getting old and die of age.. it depends on the supplier I guess.. Yep locked roots.. can't transplant it, too risky, only plant I have .. lol I don't read much.. for me it's Indica or Sativa (or hybrid), THC % and what taste...
  5. Miko2

    Seed With A Short Root

    lol I wish, my country is too small, very few places to grow, and when you do, you've gotta not make them too big.... hide them well..... so I've made a small hole to the 1 which is growing now... sadly I made it too small, cause it's only 1.5 feets tall @ 3 months old :) There is no old-school...
  6. Miko2

    Seed With A Short Root

    Thanks, peace ;)
  7. Miko2

    Seed With A Short Root

    okay, so is it ok to plant it in the soil ? or wait with it and plant the OK looking seed only ?
  8. Miko2

    Transplanting At 3 Months Old ?

    Many of their civilians are stuck there, I feel bad for them, their "government" (Hamas) forces them to die, it's that simple, they fire rockets from their homes so ofcourse they risk them. I actually have only 1 growing right now, got the seeds from a friend.... I guess u can say they are...
  9. Miko2

    Seed With A Short Root

    I made a thread in the wrong section, here it is: Thanks.
  10. Miko2

    Transplanting At 3 Months Old ?

    Thanks, I'm not sure he's awesome though, they fired 3500+ rockets and mortars at our civilian cities, if anyone did this to the USA, Obama would have flatten the whole area... but our PM worries too much about civilians on the other sides getting hit too....... there's a limit on how good and...
  11. Miko2

    Transplanting At 3 Months Old ?

    That's cool, 10 years, must be really good spots :) Yeah even cops learn to use their brains and go for the real problems.. In here (Israel), it's sad, I read a few days ago the cops found 2 plants at someone's house..... "great achievement".. but yeah medical MJ is already here, around 15,000...
  12. Miko2

    Seed With A Short Root

    So I've decided to try to start growing 2 more. (yes, quite late this year) 2 days ago I threw them to the wet tissue, now 48 hours later, 1 looks OK, the other has a very short root compared to the other, Does it have any chance ?
  13. Miko2

    Transplanting At 3 Months Old ?

    lol it's not the 'best shit' .. cause you can do the same with buds and get tons of quality hash, but you threw away probably 10% of the smokable..... Do you guerilla grow them all ?
  14. Miko2

    Transplanting At 3 Months Old ?

    Lucky bastard, I wish I could do that too instead of only trying giving advices :) In the end, you'll probably get better results with the trims than with the buds...... you're gonna shoot your self for wasting previous trims, like you said..
  15. Miko2

    Lacks Nutritions Or Over Fed ?

    I hope they were good.. Yeah first ever attempt...... the picture doesn't show the 3 dead plants... :) I try to study a lot from the beginning, "sacrifice" the first try to have good next attempts..
  16. Miko2

    Lacks Nutritions Or Over Fed ?

    Thanks, I'll just continue like now, but try to add more N. but not too much.
  17. Miko2

    Lacks Nutritions Or Over Fed ?

    Nope, it actually was a FIMFIM :) I missed on FIMing.... and the next node was a miss again (top instead of FIM)
  18. Miko2

    Lacks Nutritions Or Over Fed ?

    I'll remember that, it's an overkill for this first grow try situation..
  19. Miko2

    Lacks Nutritions Or Over Fed ?

    :fire: Satan's weed ? Actually, there's a cat shitting near the plant all the time, maybe I'll solve 2 problems with 1 kill :) Will add so black coffee :hump: