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  1. Miko2

    Is it good to constantly heat up the soil ?

    I dunno, when u first wet the seed there is no bacteria, I think ...... but it still grows.
  2. Miko2

    Is it good to constantly heat up the soil ?

    it's dryness..
  3. Miko2

    Is it good to constantly heat up the soil ?

    it's for any
  4. Miko2

    Is it good to constantly heat up the soil ?

    Because when the roots are dried, they grow up looking for water.... because they need water and because it's than easiest to move cause the soil is dried and there are little air pockets ..
  5. Miko2

    Is it good to constantly heat up the soil ?

    oh sorry, I was high..
  6. Miko2

    Is it good to constantly heat up the soil ?

    BTW from what I understand, smart pots are good only because they allow water but no soil out of the pot from the sides and bottom...... it's sort of a passive way to do what I'm talking about, and actually work together with what I'm saying .
  7. Miko2

    Is it good to constantly heat up the soil ?

    lol it doesn't matter how much.. irrelevant.. I'm just wondering, cause 'they' say full water it and wait till it's fully dried....... so I thought - why wait 4-6 days or so.. and not do it every 24hours , maybe it's better.. that's all.
  8. Miko2

    Is it good to constantly heat up the soil ?

    cause u don't want to damage to roots AND get the water dried as fast as you can.. which means the highest temp u can ..
  9. Miko2

    Is it good to constantly heat up the soil ?

    I was joking in that comment .. ! :) I made it cause u just said "dont do it" but no explanation.. so I didn't know why should I believe .. that's all bro
  10. Miko2

    Is it good to constantly heat up the soil ?

    u just place heaters under the soil, touching it, and choose the highest temp that doesn't damage the roots, and have a sensor in the soil telling you what's the real temp .. so you can be sure you're not over heating .....
  11. Miko2

    Is it good to constantly heat up the soil ?

    hmm not sure, are you hinting it's not a good idea or something ?
  12. Miko2

    Is it good to constantly heat up the soil ?

    I'm talking about raising temps to as close as possible to the point the roots damage.. just below it, to maximize evaporation ..
  13. Miko2

    Is it good to constantly heat up the soil ?

    I mean, if you could make the soil dry out completely every 24 hours and than full water it.. would that be good ? Will that cause monster roots ?
  14. Miko2

    Question About Light For A Seedling

    I too give it some of our beautiful sun.. which wins all lights ;)
  15. Miko2

    Lacks Nutritions Or Over Fed ?

    Thanks, just micro changes ;)
  16. Miko2

    Question About Light For A Seedling

    Yeah, I plan on placing it a half day on the outer side of a window seal, and the rest under this small LED light...... only half cause It's hot and cause the other side of the house isn't hidden enough from people.. ;) zero chances I take.
  17. Miko2

    Question About Light For A Seedling

    Thanks a lot jack :)
  18. Miko2

    Question About Light For A Seedling

    Cool, it's actually not hot at all, same temperature as the room, lots of small LED lights. It says the total power is: "3.6W LED", 230V - 50Hz should that be enough ?
  19. Miko2

    Question About Light For A Seedling

    Picture of the LED, Is that a good idea ?
  20. Miko2

    Question About Light For A Seedling

    I don't have CFL, but I do have an emergency LED light, Is LED a good idea ?