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  1. Miko2

    The Strain Of This Plant ?

    lol there's no such thing as a stupid question.. and you're not that wrong, there are frosts, but maybe once or twice a year in very specific areas (low areas with hardly any wind and so on..)
  2. Miko2

    The Strain Of This Plant ?

    I remember being in Florida and seeing summer-rain.. so unpredictable can be good, what can go wrong and surprise you ?
  3. Miko2

    The Strain Of This Plant ?

    lol actually it did happen just last winter, it was the greatest storm in 50-100 years or so .. and there was snow in the desert's mountain, even in Saudi which is south of here (more sun, less snow - usually)...
  4. Miko2

    The Strain Of This Plant ?

    I'm from Israel, I have no idea what's a frost :) Hmm I've just checked, and if you call a "season" from the time it's 12:12 till the time it's 12:12 again than, from March till September it's more sunlight than darkness.... so 7 months max :) This was planted in the middle of May, and started...
  5. Miko2

    The Strain Of This Plant ?

    I wish I could let you have some..... :) this is fucked up it's not like that already..
  6. Miko2

    The Strain Of This Plant ?

    Yeah probably, if there is no major growth now it will be 3-4 max.. I'm talking about the growth that is suppose to happen when starting to flower, I read that Sativas can go X2-X3 during that time.. As a rookie, I want to get to a ratio of 1 gram for each 1 growing day .. 150 days from seed...
  7. Miko2

    The Strain Of This Plant ?

    I'm from Israel, no Mexican here ;) This strain is rumored to be from the Medical MJ growing company .. so it is supposed to be regulated .. :)
  8. Miko2

    The Strain Of This Plant ?

    Thanks :) I wish I knew what strain, the leaves are beautiful but so many confusing factors... I'd say it's around 75% Indica
  9. Miko2

    The Strain Of This Plant ?

    This plant is only 1.5 feets tall @ 13 weeks old :) Yeah and the leaves are changing through time and not the same at a given time lately.. It's so hard to tell what to expect from this plant
  10. Miko2

    The Strain Of This Plant ?

    Got random seeds, I'm not expecting a name, but wondering - Is it Indica/Sativa/both .. what percentage Indica ? what percentage Sativa ? and so on .. At first I thought it was a "hard-core" Indica, but now the leaves are so Sativa.. Posted 4 pics: 1 From 3.5 weeks old: 1 From 2 months old...
  11. Miko2

    2014 Outdoor

    It should heal by it's own .. you just need to make sure it doesn't get infected by something in the first few days..
  12. Miko2

    2014 Outdoor

    Placing it slowly on the node's top and letting the sun melt it is the best way.. but only if you do it slowly and pray lol I'm just saying you could use the opportunity and split the 2 stems even more than the topping you already did.., better sun for the 2 sides :) Maybe it's possible to...
  13. Miko2

    2014 Outdoor

    Wouldn't wax it, since the plant will grow and the wax won't seal anymore after few days only.. it's not healthy throwing hot stuff on the plant too ;)
  14. Miko2

    How's the plant? Is this normal?

    It's best to do it at the beginning of the night.
  15. Miko2

    How's the plant? Is this normal?

    If you feed it well, it must be lacking sun light.. you can't control the sun, but you maybe need to get rid of the cage, I mean it blocks a large amount of sun light ..
  16. Miko2

    Flower ?

    lol same one..... change nutes, thanks :)
  17. Miko2

    Flower ?

    for example at the top right leaves of the first picture ? :)
  18. Miko2

    Flower ?
