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  1. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Well Mac and others. Day 1 (24 hours) for my pure cinnamon extract with 80 proof rum its starting to get. a little colour. Day 2 (48 hours) for my pure cinnamon extract is starting to smell like cinnamon. Day 1 (24 hours) for my pure Vanilla Bean Extract and its already gotten some colour and...
  2. CarbonX

    Indoor Gardeners and Gardener Questions

    well I was in my fridge and I forgot that I had a red onion cut up into 3/4 and the way I cut them well they started to grow green growth and there's 3 to 5 new green growth on each peace. O.o My question is, is it possible to plant the onion 1/4s and grow them out for seeds or do they have to...
  3. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Nice. Please correct me if I am wrong but the colder you try to make the AC to keep the room the more water it produces correct?
  4. CarbonX

    Indoor Gardeners and Gardener Questions

    Is it possible to clone pepper plants and keep them growing indoors and get a bunch of harvests from the clones?
  5. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    I see the ones that say MH but they are small ones compared to the 100w that I've seen. Where I live there might not be any of those that I can find. I was going to use CFLs and LED lights but atm its cheaper for me to buy a MH light and balast then to buy CFLs and such to do it up. Also going...
  6. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    The one that I am using for the summer to cool my room is a small 5050 BTU unit but I wasn't watching it and it almost had frost/ice mis covering the whole from rad part that the coolent runs through, when I just used the fan it tool 3 to 10 mins for the rad to be clean again and there was alot...
  7. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Yea its the parts inside of the machines that collect the dust, dirt and such over time and the water runs through it and it can collect things that are worse then that from the air like if your sick it can get into the water from the air. I might have to find a way out on how to do a nice setup...
  8. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Because when collecting it its not always going to be clean because with the systems dust, dirt and what ever else that is in the air can be collected through the systems into your watcher catcher. Distilling it and filtering it takes all the bad stuff that can be in it out of it but also you...
  9. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    I just got this wired idea that came out of no where. Air Conditioners create water and there's a thing on them that either collect water or let it drop out of it from the bottom of the back or at the bottom. Why not catch the water and find a way to heat it up out side to create steam and...
  10. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    I find Windows Move Maker for XP is the easiest to use.
  11. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    You have to get onto the youtube special program to get longer video times. Your gonna have to split it up in half and upload them to youtube.
  12. CarbonX

    Indoor Gardeners and Gardener Questions

    They never said any thing of that. They might be though. I found a Lettuce e-book and it says that they can but I never had first hand so I'm not able to say if its true or not. Well I have used the garlic water and it works good my friend tried the tobacco and he said it works. I'd rather grow...
  13. CarbonX

    Indoor Gardeners and Gardener Questions

    Hey all. Ok so I sent a message to the company that the lettuce seeds that I bought came from and here's what they said Lettuce Grand Rapids is a more heat tolerant lettuce variety and is slower to bolt than other varieties. Bolting usually occurs in lettuce during periods of high...
  14. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Sounds good. I'd love to have an indoor setup to have seed harvest year round to trade with.
  15. CarbonX

    Indoor Gardeners and Gardener Questions

    Transplant? I'd just put it into a pot and grow it from there no transplanting
  16. CarbonX

    Indoor Gardeners and Gardener Questions

    I'm gonna grow it out and make a log of it and depending how well it goes I might make an ebook and a thread on plants that are grown in pots and what not.
  17. CarbonX

    Indoor Gardeners and Gardener Questions

    Bummer. All I know is that mine will take about 45 days from seed to harvest but no idea how long after that for it to seed. You have any idea what number of plant food that they love? like 20-20-20 or w/e?
  18. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    I would have to agree. I love to trade seeds of different kinds of plants because... 1 - Seeds take up less space so you can trade more then if you trade seeds for plants or plants for plants. 2 - It makes it easier to control the bugs because once you get a plant that has bugs from someone its...
  19. CarbonX

    Indoor Gardeners and Gardener Questions

    Anyone know if lawn grass seeds can be growen out and harvested once they produced seeds to make flower with? Also the lettuce seeds that I'm looking at says 45 days but my question is how many days from seed will it take for it to produce seeds roughly?
  20. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Same here but I try to keep my own questions and such on my own threads unless what they are doing on here could probably answer my question(s). Also if you have some thing to add and you can still edit your post please edit your post and add to it to keep the threads clean.