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  1. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    That sucks. I have alot of computer stuff. The only kit that I need is to use hard drives externally but other things I could use to. I wish I new if you can use the external hard drive kits on CD/DVD/Blu-Ray drives.
  2. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    If your video camera can hook up to a comp via USB and you can copy it to your comp you can do that. If not but you can do video play back and if you have the proper video connections on your comp you could use a program play the video on your camera and record it to your computer.
  3. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    At the rate we are going we could group together and have a nice massive farm. I envy how well your guy's stuff has been doing. The weather here is messed up. 2 days ago it was cool, yesterday it hit 30c, that day at night it started to rain and today its been raining, thundering and lightning...
  4. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Yea I would be doing a mix organic and non organic but mostly organic. Along with the Red Onion Sets and Lettuce that I bought I also bought an Stainless Steal Espresso Machine. ;)
  5. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    I'd love to work on a farm but sadly here there's not many around here that is close and I'd love to have it a fun environment. I also wouldn't mind having my own little farm to help supply some of the small restaurant and such around here or even to sell to the stores but sadly you need to get...
  6. CarbonX

    Indoor Gardeners and Gardener Questions

    Cool thanks. The onions that I bought are red onion sets, the lettuce is the leaf kind (Grand Rapids). I'm thinking of possibly growing some red onions and lettuce to seed to harvest.
  7. CarbonX

    Indoor Gardeners and Gardener Questions

    If the LED lights perform very well then I would prefer to use them over CFLs. No the UVB is CFL light. Wat pot size can I get away with at the smallest growing onions and lettuce?
  8. CarbonX

    Indoor Gardeners and Gardener Questions

    I might buy a couple LED lights (Bulbs) to test them out my self. If they don't work out oh well just meens I have a lower wattage light I can use in my house. =P When using the UVB 2.0 lights when do you turn them on during the 12/12 cycle and how long do they stay on for? Anyone know how...
  9. CarbonX

    Live CAM feed?

    I say its a bad idea anything can be traced if they really wanted to do it.
  10. CarbonX

    Indoor Gardeners and Gardener Questions

    oh ok. Well if anyone knows please let me know. I will try it out my self if no one has got any info if this is legit or bs.
  11. CarbonX

    Rhino's Garden 2011 ( Grow Log)

    Can that black fabric stuff be used for lawns when your starting new grass to stop the weeds from coming?
  12. CarbonX

    Indoor Gardeners and Gardener Questions

    I was doing some research and I found that some people recommend using a 2.0 UVB light for indoor gardens. Is this legit that the garden will benefit from this and if so how long should it be on for?
  13. CarbonX

    Renewable Energy Systems Forum

    Depending on what solar cell that I want to build it with. A 3x6 solar cell I can use 24 of them that can add up to around 43.2 watts, 12v. Or I can go with a 6.6 solar cell and can use 20 of them and get a output of around 70w to 80w solar panel running at 12v. I'll probably end up doing a...
  14. CarbonX

    Renewable Energy Systems Forum

    When your paying $0.09+ per kw. A single DIY solar panel made from 24 DIY solar cells that produce 0.5v, 2.8w solar cells can make a solar panel roughly 67.2w, 12v, 84 amp solar cells for around $30 to build not including to make the case. 15 hours of peak power production will produce 1kw...
  15. CarbonX

    Renewable Energy Systems Forum

    Hi all. Renewable Energy Systems have started to become more and more used source of power. I would love to see a main forum called Renewable Energy Systems. For people that want to start to power their household things with renewable energy and other things to.
  16. CarbonX

    is it cheaper to build and led or buy?

    I found 2 kinds of LED lights that can be bought where I live but I don't know how well those would work but here are the specs. If those specs work very well for growing with I think this will take over. I did a search and foud 250w MH pushes out around 96 lumes per Watt. 250w HPS pushes out...
  17. CarbonX

    Indoor Gardeners and Gardener Questions

    The weather here isn't the same most of the time. For the past few its been cloudy, or its rainy or its really hot. There's no shade spots where I live. Also where I live any food out side will attract bears and the bears here aren't scared of people and aren't scared of water. I've had bears...
  18. CarbonX

    Indoor Gardeners and Gardener Questions

    Garden Type - Indoor Space Size - 6 feet long, 3 feet deep, Height unknown Type of garden - Very little plant food want to use but going to be using mostly B-1 Thrive (regular) and a sliver of 20-20-20 Things growing in it - Herbs, fruits if possible, vegetables might also have house plants in...
  19. CarbonX

    Indoor Gardeners and Gardener Questions

    Cool thanks McPurple. This will help we out for when I do my garden. :)
  20. CarbonX

    Indoor Gardeners and Gardener Questions

    I was just thinking about maybe doing a drip feed system for my herbs and such that are in soil. Now my question is would you guys recommend that to help lower the need for me to water them my self and if so what would I need to do such thing and how do I set up the time and duration that it...