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  1. grasscropper

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Have you tested the run off after watering with plain water. What about pH run off. Autos don't like to be over fed.
  2. grasscropper

    Clawing leaf tips and droopy new growth.

    it could also be stress from the transplant
  3. grasscropper

    Clawing leaf tips and droopy new growth.

    What kind of pots are these in and what size. Being a small plants overwatering could be the issue. The top portion feels dry or looks dry when in fact the bottom half of the soil is still very moist. I have had this happen when I've put smaller plants into larger pots. Put your finger in...
  4. grasscropper

    PLEASE HELP!! wk 6 look like they are dying

    They look like they are over watered... moisture stress. The other thing I find is the bag pots hold moisture and require less watering. My opinion only. I would water with plain pH'd water and check the run off pH and the TDS of the run off. What's going in to what's coming out. My...
  5. grasscropper

    WTF is goin on with my babies?

    I have had plants with the same issue.. and it was moisture stress. Let them dry out really really well and be patient. Your plant looks similar to mine here and I stopped watering and she came back 10 fold.
  6. grasscropper

    Happy or in distress?

    They look like they are praying to the GODS of light.....
  7. grasscropper

    First grow, how is it?!

    But if it's an auto you're better off putting it in it's final pot right off the bat. Autos don't like to be stressed at all.
  8. grasscropper

    what would you do

    I'd cut... but pics could also help determine...
  9. grasscropper

    Ready or not?

    No problem.. I share my stuff. Like to see others smoke what I grow. And get an opinion.
  10. grasscropper

    Ready or not?

    Oh, and I was using the phone.. to take pics.. I suck ass at taking pictures with the damn thing.
  11. grasscropper

    Ready or not?

    Thanks for the input... first time auto.. and man it's like no other strain I have ever grown. Not a lot of leaves to bud ratio...... I have 2 others and they are all so different. These were a pack of 10 seeds for $15 from VSB mixed autos. Figured what the hell I'd try here. I did purchase...
  12. grasscropper

    Ready or not?

    I have an auto that I started from seed September 12/14 and here we are November 28 and she doesnt look near ready to me. Strain unknown. Under LED at 18/6. I had to force into flower in 12/12. Any opinions here would be appreicated. Getting impatient.
  13. grasscropper

    Whats going on here?

    They do look fine to me.
  14. grasscropper

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    This is want to hear. You can veg and flower the autos together with the photos and then move them over to flower to the tent for 12/12. That's kind of what I have going now. I want to make my flower area larger because I can't stand bending over and breaking my already bad back. I am not...
  15. grasscropper

    Help pH'ing my water please!

    I had ph issues as well in soil. Flowering phase. Tap water is 7 (yes ph pen was used). Run off 4.8. Read up and using Jack classic throughout with the high nitrogen was probably causing this. Salt build up etc. so I flushed. I did buy ph down for my hydro plant that is a test run. I purchased a...
  16. grasscropper


    Thanks. I have 1.6 gal mixed for tomorrow to feed. Hopefully I notice a difference.
  17. grasscropper


    Hey guys..I am in about week 4 of flower and use DNF two part nutrients for flowering. Just decided to give Big Bud a try and not many directions on the bottle. Do I add this to my DNF or use in replacement of. Just bought a very small jug to give it a try... mixed all the nutrients together...
  18. grasscropper

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    I would sit back and see how things go with this grow. I know how you feel.. you want more and more. I was the same. I now have 3 LED panels which are all in use, but I still really really want to try an HPS. But for the size of my grow I am just spending money I don't need to spend ...
  19. grasscropper

    AUTO or not too AUTO

    No Vancouver Seed Bank and they have an indoor mix (photos) 10 seeds for $25... outdoor mix 10 sees for $25.00 I bought the indoor mix last year and they were totally worth the money and the experience of growing from seed. I have cloned from the ones I liked to keep them going.
  20. grasscropper

    AUTO or not too AUTO

    Yes absolutely...could be bad genetics. I got the seeds for $15 for a mixed bag of 10. Just to try them out before I bought more. I have now purchased 5 Northern Lights from Crop Kings so I should be able to find out what to exepct.