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  1. grasscropper

    Auto BlackJH in beast mode!!!

    I have one auto in flower at the moment. Your's like like a "BEAST" by the way. So it was in my tent under 12/12. And has been for about a month. I flipped it because I had photos as well that were getting too big and needed to be. NO they aren't 6" Now my auto is in full flower and I'd...
  2. grasscropper

    AUTO or not too AUTO

    I am thinking of putting this one back on 18/6 once I change my lights in that room. I just put another one in 12/12 to get it moving. The one in flower is fattening up.
  3. grasscropper

    AUTO or not too AUTO

    All plants, even the auto, were on 18/6.... there were preflowers on the auto and I was needing to flip my photos to12/12 so I did. And the auto took off as far as flower is concerned. It's been over 3 weeks now and things are going well. I just figured the autos would be able to stay in my...
  4. grasscropper

    First grow 1000 watt 5x5 Northern lights

    What kind of pots are they in.. are you doing a hempy type of grow. Drainage? If this is hempy or passive hydro system. If so, you feed with nutes every second feed or so. Plain water the next time. pH should be 5.8 - 6.5. what's your tap water
  5. grasscropper

    Cant figure this out.

    pH is supposed to be 5.8 to 6.5 in hydro. You will get fluctation. I know I have to use pH down in my dwc. I have finally got it under 6.5. My plant looked really good even with higher pH levels but I was flipping to flower and adding those nutes made it even higher. Now, I also have plants...
  6. grasscropper

    Northern Light Automatic Harvest

    No purple strains. They are under LED. I expected more, but she's getting better as we go along. My first auto in flower. I've always done Photos. Like I said before I have 5 auto NL seeds and am looking forward to growing these knowing what the strain is.
  7. grasscropper

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    They look better already. Not that they looked bad at all. I don't think you really have any worries at the moment.
  8. grasscropper

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    They do look fine and the ones you say aren't sick... aren't looking too bad. I would say leave them be. Don't over water and ignore them for a couple of days. It's surprising what doing nothing them can do for them. I have done the same and bought items I probably didn't need due to my lack...
  9. grasscropper

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    And don't forget you don't have to worry about having a light tight tent for autos. So unzip the door for heat issues. Check out Sherman420 and his NL auto that he flowered under straight CFL. Outstanding yield on one plant. She's a stunner.
  10. grasscropper

    Northern Light Automatic Harvest

    She sure is a beauty. And I will take you up on the offer for tips. I have one auto on the go now. I don't know the strain as I bought these as a mixed bag from Vancouver seed bank. Started from seed September 17. Had her under 18/6 but had to flip some big girls three weeks ago and since the...
  11. grasscropper

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    Temps shouldn't be an issue with the LED. I know mine are ok and its a 4x4x4 tent with 900 watt Led. You plants look good. Once they bush out a bit more you can LST them.
  12. grasscropper

    5 NL autos- they looking ok?

    How big is your tent. I run LEDs as well. Have use CFLS for side lighting but you could wait until they are a bit taller before doing so. They look good for the most part. I currently have a few unknown strain autos. They don't like a lot of feeding. No cropping but LST is ok. I also ordered 5...
  13. grasscropper

    Northern Light Automatic Harvest

    I bought 5 of these seeds myself. Can't wait to try them out. And hope I do as well as you have. Any ideas on dry weight yet.
  14. grasscropper

    Low N, high P and K

    I'll have to look into this. Thanks.
  15. grasscropper

    Low N, high P and K

    Ok thanks good to know.
  16. grasscropper

    Low N, high P and K

    What do you use to measure each of those three nutrient properties.
  17. grasscropper

    Forcing auto to flower with 12/12

    I have one auto currently in 12/12. I had it 18/6 for a long time. Was starting to show flowering. But because I had to flips some photos due to their size, the auto was also flipped. She seems to be doing better at 12/12. I will show you some pics. I am not going to put it back to 18/6. I'd...
  18. grasscropper

    AUTO or not too AUTO

    No comments ?? Just keep her under 12/12 and see how she turns out? I have two more autos under t5s. Younger than this one but no sign of flowering for either.
  19. grasscropper

    What am i doing wrong

    Hot soil means too much fertilizer or in the case of the bat guano, too much nitrogen. When using too much fertilizer or feeding too much, it's what causing the burn. If we think about a our skin sitting in say a "dirty diaper" when we were babies... our skin gets burned or diaper rash from it...
  20. grasscropper

    AUTO or not too AUTO

    I have this autoflower (strain unknown) but I purchased 10 seeds online stating they were autoflowers. So this particular seeds broke ground on September 28/14. I have had it under LED's in my flowering tent since. It was on 18/6 but I had regulars I needed to flip to 12/12 and she was a slow...