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  1. grasscropper

    knocking on deaths door ???

    And FYI my plants can go days without watering.. generally we only water house plants one time per week. I have a moisture metre that I stick in the soil right to the bottom of the pot and it will register dry/moist/wet... because the top of the soil can be fairly dry while the bottoms may be...
  2. grasscropper

    knocking on deaths door ???

    Ok, sorry about the raggy wife... while I am a woman I am nobody's wife! It's ok to take the dead or cripplied leaves off. Once my plant started to recuperate I removed the ugly shit.. but more for appearances and my sake than that of the plant I am sure. They look very good now. But it took...
  3. grasscropper

    Plant looked like shit! Now look.

    Well again here are mine before and after due to moisture stress. And other issues. And I transplanted during this stress time too. Came back and now ready for flower. So Imo don't give up on her. Water less. Add nothing and let her do her thing. Once she's bounced back then add nuts. If MG...
  4. grasscropper

    what is the best way to increase the humidity in my 4x4?l

    Put in a bucket the of water. My parents used to put a bucket of water on the heat vent to add humidity to the house in winter.
  5. grasscropper

    knocking on deaths door ???

    You probably won't see those existing leaves back to perfect. Your new growth however should be nice green tender shoots. Trust me it took some time and patience and wondering if they were going to pull through. I wouldn't put it into flower until she's recovered. You won't see a lot of growth...
  6. grasscropper

    knocking on deaths door ???

    You probably won't see those existing leaves back to perfect. Your new growth however should be nice green tender shoots. Trust me it took some time and patience and wondering if they were going to pull through. I wouldn't put it into flower until she's recovered. You won't see a lot of growth...
  7. grasscropper

    knocking on deaths door ???

    Looks like moisture stress to me too. i have dealt with the same type of issue. Let the soil dry out completely and don't use anything other than water and only when the pot feels light when you pick it up. Here's mine after I moisture stressed, and attempts at getting rid of fungas gnats...
  8. grasscropper

    Any End in Sight??

    Oh, and she smells like grapefruit or lemon... very nice smell... to me anyway. Not skunky at all. I got her as a clone and while it had a tag on it that said "brain" I have yet to find anything online with what her genetics may be. She's bushy, but I LST'd her early on in prep to bring her...
  9. grasscropper

    Any End in Sight??

    Ok, so I am coming in to week 8 of flowering. Had this girl outside all summer, but because of weather getting cold and wet and damp brought her inside to finish. I have 2 plants in flower at the moment. Leaves have just started yellowing but to me she seems a long way from harvest on the...
  10. grasscropper

    Accidental min-harvest.

    ASSHATS at work! Hahahaha damn fine analogy. I need some ASSHATS weed each and every morning. Good job on the ladies.
  11. grasscropper

    Bad highs a couple of times now.

    Ya sounds like taking a break and clearing your head is good advice. 2 years is a long time. Been there done that. The longer you're not working the harder it is to motivate yourself to get one. Take a good look at WHAT it is you WANT to do for work. Go back to school. Or apprentice doing...
  12. grasscropper

    Newbie...harvest is coming, like it or not

    And guaranteed there will be job delay as no construction job starts or finishes on time. Quite neighbourly I must say. You Could have been the crusty police calling neighbour they are also lucky to have you!!
  13. grasscropper

    My new grow partner

    Awww Miss Mantis. Very nice. Let her be. You'll be pest free for the duration. I'd get a critter keeper and move her from to grow then. Let her go outside in spring.
  14. grasscropper


    That's for sure. Mange and fleas. They will die and they will bite your pets and if you are using Adantage or Revolution will die. Fleas have no interest in plants. They will bit you but won't live on you. Pets yes.
  15. grasscropper

    Anyone have plants outdoors flowering yet

    Wow great minds think alike. I too brought mine in for duration. To heavy to bring her inside and outside. Mother and daughter together again. Once these ladies are done. There are 3 more in veg that will be moving into flower. And 4 coming up to veg
  16. grasscropper

    sept 30th still looks 6 weeks away from finish

    When you write your posts click on 'go advanced scroll down to 'manage attachments. Upload pics from here. My strain is a grapefruit kush or lemon kush. I got it as a clone. Has a very nice aroma. Not skunky....more lemon or grapefruit. I have taken clones from her to continue indoors.
  17. grasscropper

    What methods do you use for migraines?

    Yes you are right. It doesn't do much for me either. Kind of adds fuel to the fire. I pretty much stay away from booze and weed with headaches. But it does help me sleep and forget. PUKING can make me feel better as it seems to relieve the pressure. Then I go back to my god damn ugly desk...
  18. grasscropper

    Fungus Gnat's 13!

    Well I can't get gnatrol so neem will probably be the same. Canada has huge restrictions on pesticides and shit. Did the DE on the soil. Will poofnthe poof the powder at the drainage holes too.
  19. grasscropper

    Fungus Gnat's 13!

    Well I just picked up some DE which was a power for use on ants. I would think DE is the same regardless and that was the main ingredient. So sprinkled on top of the soil. Will water next time with some of the power mixed in with the water and see how that goes. Cause the little bastards drive...