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  1. grasscropper

    Fungus Gnats

    Going to deal with them using the mosquito dunks. I have them in my house plants too and they are driving me mental. However, I didn't really care as much about them with the larger area.. in an enclosed space.. it's not happening for them.
  2. grasscropper

    What methods do you use for migraines?

    What's the white flower stuff? And I will try this vanilla extra with milk as it much be cheap too. But my headaches are constant
  3. grasscropper

    First post. First grow. PC. Wondering how I am doing?

    Moisture stress. How often referred u watering. Been there done that.
  4. grasscropper

    sept 30th still looks 6 weeks away from finish

    Yes! I only. Have one plant outside but it's probably going to be another 3 weeks which will take me to after thanksgiving or even later. You have a photo? Here's some of mine. Noticed flowering about Aug 20.
  5. grasscropper

    Anyone have plants outdoors flowering yet

    Yes I am giving her ferts but not every water. The buds still look young. And well on October 20th that will just be the 9th week of flowering. I moved her into a bigger pot and while it didn't hurt I don't think there was any results from that. Generally they take longer than 9 weeks right.
  6. grasscropper

    Anyone have plants outdoors flowering yet

    Actually that's when I figure I will be harvesting. Maybe a week after Canadian thanksgiving.
  7. grasscropper

    Need help. Leaf edges dead and spot on middle of leaf

    Well, if the roots are coming out the bottom then it's root bound. You could probably just lift the plant by the stem/trunk right out of the container if she's root bound as well. Your clone as you stated is overwatered... if there drainage in the container you have it in... and it looks like...
  8. grasscropper

    Fungus Gnats

    Well, I am having an issue with them as well. I used the peroxide and water and found my plants suffered after. Or maybe it was the fact that they had been watered and then I did this. But these gnats are a pain in the ass
  9. grasscropper

    Anyone have plants outdoors flowering yet

    The top ones have turned.. just don't look like what I see in pictures! I have a scope and am looking regularly. Now, do you base the % on the one area you are viewing or what because to go through that entire plant would TAKE FOREVER. And if there are Amber and frosty/milky would I harvest...
  10. grasscropper

    Anyone have plants outdoors flowering yet

    I did some low stress training early on. It was really easy. Preparing for the indoor plants. Took the main branches bend and tie these branches to the pot with a rubber band and a push pin. And if I have to bring her inside to finish up them she will fit in the cabin I made. Any thought...
  11. grasscropper

    Welcome New Members!

    You can leave them outside as long as temps don't go below freezing or frost hits. Those plants wouldn't take a frost. People do leave them outside but those plants are much larger and can take a frost or 2. Depends on where you live. I am in ontario. So not able to happen. I am a newb...
  12. grasscropper

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Well then I am learning. Because I said just that. That it could be a month. Here is the plant last night. She's a ways out yet from harvest I agree. Really finding it hard to see through that scope. Just such a tiny area you re dealing with compared to the overall plant. Here is a pic I...
  13. grasscropper

    is this common?

    Orthostatic hypotension is a sudden drop in blood pressure while standing. Doesn't sound exactly fun that's for sure. I have smoked and we'll gotten physically sick to my stomach. Maybe puffed too much. But fuck that was not nice. Had tunnel vision, Barfed got gnaggdd by a teacher in the hall...
  14. grasscropper


    So how do you feel the next day. And how is this done.
  15. grasscropper

    Anyone have plants outdoors flowering yet

    It's been a very nice week here and have not had to worry about frost. Here's an evening photo of my gal.
  16. grasscropper

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Well, that's it... even tho I am seeing Amber Trich's there is no way this plant is ready... kind of like a veg garden... tomatos will ripen at different times.. The entire plant doesn't ripen in one day.... There is NO way this plant is done! The buds have fattened up even since these...
  17. grasscropper

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Such a help to me.. the pics at the start between ready and not ready. I have a plant that is 6-7 weeks of flower and when I looked at the Trich's there were amber in there... however, I could see the plant did not look DONE! This helped me 10 fold on the realization I have 2-3 more weeks.
  18. grasscropper

    Anyone have plants outdoors flowering yet

    Ok, i will... thanks. The god damn scope thing is so fucking small... it's hard to get a perspective ... 2-3 more weeks would make much more sense.. around our Thanksgiving or a week later. I like your METH LAB... i have one too!
  19. grasscropper

    Anyone have plants outdoors flowering yet

    AND, looking at them tonight it would seem that there are a lot of amber!! However, simply looking at the plant/buds it DOES NOT look done!??? Can anyone give me some thoughts? It's been in flower since about August 21... mind you that's when I noticed a change.... it's been 6-7 weeks TOPS...
  20. grasscropper

    Anyone have plants outdoors flowering yet

    Okay so here are some up close with a scope I have. I SHOULD HOWEVER qualify for med mj for my eyesight. Holy shit. I have another on the way. Will attempt to get better pics when I get this other scope.