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  1. grasscropper

    Anyone have plants outdoors flowering yet

    I have one on order from Amazon and waiting for it .... We have a frost warning here tonight. I have brought her in to the kitchen for the night; then its supposed to warm up again to 21 or higher... (:
  2. grasscropper

    How Long Does Marijuana REALLY Take To Grow???

    You're right...fuck off with the bitchiness people. That is what I thought this forum was for. So the experienced can advise the new with positive feedback and answers. WTF waste your time tapping in smart ass answers. Isn't that what the people who are supposed to be pros do for the newbs...
  3. grasscropper

    FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)

    Well done...I am that 55 year old woman..less 4 years. No I haven't gone to prison but thanks for the tip...I cannot stand cops. I am growing to ease the pain of everyday life. Funny I don't feel old at all. Think like a 25 year old. I am not heavy. I look 15 years younger but my body has...
  4. grasscropper

    Anyone have plants outdoors flowering yet

    Temps were down to 5 Celcius at night. Day time 17 or higher. Then spiked to a humid 32! That's Ontario. Rained all day today and I can feel it's cooling off again and going back down to 5. Lots of fluctuations. I brought her in last night just for the night at this point. Here latest pics...
  5. grasscropper

    need help identifying pests in room

    They look like fungas gnats... which I too am battling.. Have gotten them in check.. using the soap, also watered with a mix of water and peroxide and sprinkled cinnamon on top of the soil. that said my plants look like shit now and didn't prior. I order from amazon and am in Canada as well...
  6. grasscropper

    Black little bugs running about in soil!? Help?

    Fungas gnats by the sound of it. Let the soil dry out completely...try cinnamon and sprinkle on the top of the soil...apparently they hate it... and it won't harm the plant. Hang fly strips or paper. If they get out of control they get into the root mass and feed off them.
  7. grasscropper

    Black fly help me out please

    You can try sprinkling cinnamon too.... I am trying that natural remedy.. 100% cleaned up now... but a massive pain in the ass to deal with any bugs..
  8. grasscropper

    Anyone have plants outdoors flowering yet

    Lookin good. Rained a shit load here. It's like pea soup out there.
  9. grasscropper

    Anyone have plants outdoors flowering yet

    Well here's an update on my outdoor girl. I used ferts last week and note what I think is burn. Thought maybe frost but too sporadic. I don't have much luck with fertilizers. Do bloom boosters work the same. And at what point would I use them. What kind is good. Here are some pics. No clue...
  10. grasscropper

    Ontario grower looking for new patient's in Canada(free meds)

    OK so please excuse me for being ignorant or misinformed but if you are licensed for 73 kush plants. Why can't or don't you grow them yourself. Can you purchase from anyone legal or illegal and then if you have in your possession YOU are legal?
  11. grasscropper

    Canadian growers, where are you???

    I am here in Aurora. Growing personal for pain management.
  12. grasscropper

    Moisture Stress??

    Thanks guys for all your help and thoughts. Appreciate it. Will forge ahead and do as said.
  13. grasscropper

    Moisture Stress??

    Thanks guys... I have sticky strips up and you are right about not dealing with the deficiencies until I have this other issue rectified. Every time I have used something for a deficiency I make things worse. Maybe a pH issue and locking out. So I have left them without watering since Sunday...
  14. grasscropper

    1st grow, how does it look?

    IMO you still succeeded 10 fold. Still lots left and a gorgeous plant....
  15. grasscropper

    Anyone have plants outdoors flowering yet

    Well, i think they are healthier with less work involved.
  16. grasscropper

    Moisture Stress??

    I have a sick plant on my hands. I was battling fungas gnats and sprayed with insectisidal soap. So I was wondering is this could be the issue. However, also fell that it may be moisture stress from what I've read. The leaves feel dry to the touch (not at all like my healthy outdoor plant). They...
  17. grasscropper

    FROST: general rules from experience....

    It's cool out for sure... may drag my girl in off the deck into the kitchen tonight! Shit... she's in a 15 gallon pot has lots of soil .. not watering at night. I have a room in the basement.. it's just getting her there as the she's god damn heavy and I AM A WEAK OLD WOMAN! She's only 4...
  18. grasscropper

    1st grow, how does it look?

    AWW that's a real shame.... I can see you put a lot of effort in this and to come this far to the end and have this happen sucks bag seed! Hopefully all is not lost.
  19. grasscropper

    Anyone have plants outdoors flowering yet

    You can't give up on that plant!!!! How's about making some sort of green house to keep her warm... shed may work... I was even thinking of bringing mine into the kitchen for the night.