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  1. DblBrryInvestments

    2016 AutoFlower Greenhouse Grow

    This is an exact copy of a thread I created in the autoflowering section, as I would like to update everyone following along in my thread who might not venture off into the autoflowering section here. Here is the link first. I'm...
  2. DblBrryInvestments

    Hermie AutoMazar

    Hey guys, just went out this morning to check on the girls and one of my automazars is showing definite signs of hermie. There isn't many male banannas growing, more pistils, this automazar happens to be my tallest lady standing at inch below 3'. I've been doing some research and apparently I...
  3. DblBrryInvestments

    Found mushroom in weed pot

    Did you happen to use kellog's soil?
  4. DblBrryInvestments

    Starting a new mix got questions.

    I'm still learning a lot, so maybe someone else will chime in on my response to confirm it. I'd probably toss the verm as your aerator for your soil since peat retains moisture and so does verm. Perlite, lava rocks, rice hulls? Rice hulls should be cheaper then verm and should be available in...
  5. DblBrryInvestments

    Few Questions

    Looks like he gave up around the time of June 2014, although it would be nice to see if he succeeded or not haha. Growing cannabis, especially guerilla style is a lot of work that most people just don't understand.
  6. DblBrryInvestments

    What's a fair split for using someone land?

    Maybe since she has the experience, 50/50 is still a really good deal on your part. I was just under the impression that she had no clue what she was doing and was just wanting to reap the rewards. I still have little respect for people who grow marijuana solely for profit. Sure, I make a lot...
  7. DblBrryInvestments

    Indoor grow, 3 leafed seedling

    You can start under the hid, not sure on how far exactly the light should be. Think it's like 2' away for seedlings (don't quote me on that, use the search bar haha). Can't help you on the feeding either, I'm just your local outdoor fiend growing in great soils with AACT when needed. 12...
  8. DblBrryInvestments

    What's a fair split for using someone land?

    Disabled lady doesn't smoke, just vends to dispensaries... Well, nothing wrong with that, but IMO she should be paying for the entire thing, the labor involved in growing outdoors is a lot compared to the measly amount of money spent and the land that she already owns. Tell you the truth, I'd...
  9. DblBrryInvestments

    Wtf is eating my plant?

    Grasshopper? But yeah, you definitely need to transplant her ASAP!
  10. DblBrryInvestments

    Indoor grow, 3 leafed seedling

    Not sure where you heard that, only thing I've heard about starting in final containers is it can be some what harder to sprout your seeds. I've never had an issue with it. Check out my journal under my sig, all autos besides the black bags with blue dreams. All started in their final...
  11. DblBrryInvestments

    Indoor grow, 3 leafed seedling

    Well, I'll throw a tip out there. Don't start autos in cubes, start autos in their final container which you plan on harvesting in. With the short life cycle that autos have you don't want to risk putting any unnecessary stress on them. *Edit Put the cube in the soil after the first set of...
  12. DblBrryInvestments

    2016 AutoFlower Greenhouse Grow

    Nature is a beautiful thing:leaf: Thanks for following along, I'm happy to have you, good luck with your grow! Your welcome to stop by and drop some pics of your ladies whenever, I want to see them!
  13. DblBrryInvestments

    How Much do you smoke per day?

    Weed rich, growing outdoors in Socal it's almost impossible to not grow massive trees. Depending on the mood I am in that day, may smoke a gram, may smoke an 1/8, may only smoke a few bowls or a couple dabs. I usually don't like to wake n bake anymore, it is 12:30 pm now and I have been up...
  14. DblBrryInvestments

    Outdoor autos

    Check out my journal under my sig. Growing some ultimates mazars and few others started outdoors in February when the sunlight hours were pretty low. The ultimates and mazars are standing at an easy 2'-3' another guy on here said the mazar and ultimates weren't the most potent, but the yield...
  15. DblBrryInvestments

    First timer outdoors.

    I always start my babies from seed, but going with clones and only 5 gallons of soil I would probably start my clones indoors towards the end of April and grow them out while bringing the hours down and maybe start hardening off mid May and throw them out for the season from there. 5 gallons is...
  16. DblBrryInvestments

    Economics 101

    Economics 102* Macro comes after Micro. :fire:
  17. DblBrryInvestments

    2016 AutoFlower Greenhouse Grow

    **********Day 47 04/03/16********** The fantasamo expressos are full on flowering now, I would say at week 2, and the rest are still slowly transitioning into flower while still putting on vertical height. A few of them are easily standing at 3' tall now and besides the 4x Fantasamos it looks...
  18. DblBrryInvestments

    Strains better then Dp auto Mazar

    It's just a cheap greenhouse from eBay, for the price it's okay, $60, but nothing I would recommend to someone unless they don't mind tossing it away at the end of the season. It's just basic greenhouse film though, I think it would draw more attention though honestly, autos don't reach over...
  19. DblBrryInvestments

    what in the actual f*ck?

    It's definitely nice to have good friends that I trust haha, just 2 or 3 of them, they helped me trim last year. Are you using supplemental lighting for the thc bomb?? I started my grow last year in Feb, and ran into early flowering and had to reveg it on 2 of my indicas. I'm excited as well...
  20. DblBrryInvestments

    "about a pound"

    About a pound?? Your joking right?! Thats an easy 3 lber you got on your hands, need help trimming?