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  1. S

    Salt buildup, or mold/fungis? Need help PLEASE!!!

    Pic 3 Looks like Looks like pm on top of the dirt to me. I used to get clones from sr71, and they would sometimes have what looked like salt build up on the rockwool. Every time that happened I'd end up with pm 2 weeks later.
  2. S

    Need help from experienced growers with nutrient burn

    If you are in dirt do half dose like hexthat said. If you are in rockwool, good coco, growrocks, etc... flush with ph'ed 0 to 1/4 strength, then feed them immediately after.
  3. S

    Possible to clone?

    Keep the rockwool on the dry side, or your clones will fall off before they root.
  4. S

    Small white dots on the leaves of my marijuana

    That looks like bug damage, but not spider mite. Possibly thrips? It could be a minor nute def, but I don't think so.
  5. S

    Plants seem to be dying! Please help

    From those pictures no. Something happened to your roots. Under water, over water, root aphids ect. Sorry dude.
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    DHN's cut of gdp is KEN'S GDP. If you go to Harborside Oakland there's at least 3 other cloners (Santa Cruz, GR, me-Super Kuts) with exact same cut. Sour Grapes from SR71 is still going around the Bay area in limited numbers. I heard the Sour Grapes cut was just a re-name-roomer. No Idea...
  7. S

    flower hormone

    Dutch Master Reverse to induce flowering??? Never heard of that.
  8. S

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    You want to smoke seven? Get some spinosad or bt.
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    Clone issues

    That's norma-lish. How is the plant doing now? Happy to see a clone I droped off getting a good home.
  10. S

    Best kush family clone or seed from Harborside?

    I vend Platinum Bubba to HARBORSIDE. If you got it from atray marked "superkuts" its legit.. There's a bs platinum Bubba cut going around.
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    I used to have gg, but gave it up, because the clubs didn't have much interest in it. I don't...

    I used to have gg, but gave it up, because the clubs didn't have much interest in it. I don't know of anyone who caries it.
  12. S

    Diseased Females? eww (look)

    get the bloom booster by miracle grow at home depot. use it on the one in flower. and yeah i'd go 25%, then next water nothing then maybe 35 until you get to 50%. If they don't have that, you can use any all purpose garden fertilizer. The little one could use some 20 20 20. Good luck
  13. S

    Most common reasons grow projects fail.

    over fert & over water
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    clone and veg problems - i'm stumped

    Am I the only person that thinks the mother plant looks like shit? And you can clone a plant thousands and thousands of times without a sport (genetic variant or degradation) some people even think that sports don't actually exist & that they are just from different growing conditions &...
  15. S

    Stem-base rot?

    That pant is done for. You are most likely overwatering. You might want to add an orbital fan directed at the trunk of your plants too.
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    Mist Burn

    are you in a grow tent? did you just paint the room?
  17. S

    perlite turning rusty orange

    If it was iron it would be on both sides. It's most likely the start of a bacteria mold, or red algae. Shouldn't hurt anything.
  18. S

    why are they not flowering????

    Dude send a pic. It sounds like the plants were stressed or put into flower, then reverted somewhat. You are likely to get hermies if these aren't already pollinated.
  19. S

    My 7 foot tall plant doesn't smell like marijuana at all. Unless you rub on it...

    It's normal for some strains not to smell much. It's also normal for weed not to smell much until the last 1-3 weeks. And it's ok to rub on it. Just don't let anyone see you rubbing it, they'll think you're weird.
  20. S

    Is this Heat Stress, a pH problem, or nute issue?

    So you're putting tap water usually ph 6-8, into soil that is ph 4.5-5.5 and the run off is 5-5.5. let me do the math here..... 6(starting water)+4.5(soil) divide by by 2 = 5.25 aka 5-5.5. hmmm.... :wall: My guess is the ph soil meter and the aquarium kit are working fine.:wall: Next...