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  1. S

    White stuff on the bottom of my rockwooled clones-mold?

    just wait and see. Don't squeeze them at this point. You should see roots by day 14. When you have everything dialed in then you should have over 90% success in 10-14 days. Some strains take 21 days to make it thru the bottom of the cube. If you need finished clones asap then make...
  2. S

    Spider Mite Control

    azamax and azatrol have the same amount of the same active ingredient.
  3. S

    Two plants in one!

    You could just put a grow bag into a burlap sack and strap it onto a tree near the top like everyone else. It would be a lot easier than trying to graph a pot plant onto anything but a pot plant. Maybe easier than graphing a pot plant to another pot plant depending on your skill set. Can you...
  4. S

    Max Yield Equation

    Sorry I meant to say California State Guidelines. In some places you can have more than the 6 or 12 rule Expect to get one lb per 1000watt light per eight weeks in flower on a good grow(this doesn't count energy used in veg). You can get...
  5. S

    plz help me figure out timing for a perpetual grow

    Possible- YES! Smart- NO! Most likely your plants will get tooooo big during veg. You can just keep cutting them back until it's time to flower them out. The real question is how big is your veg space and how big is your flower space. If you have an equal size veg and flower...
  6. S

    I live in california and grow medical clones and medication for clubs.

    That's about it. I drop off clones to several clubs in california, most often in the bay area. In the spring I have a place that i drop in sac, and anytime I visit Los Angeles I drop off clones in Long Beach and to a few medical marijuana patients. I miss overgrow, but this is a good...
  7. S

    Wilting Clones.. Plz Help..

    It's normal for clones to wilt a little durring the first two days after you stick them. Depending on strain, differing temperatures and humidity, health of mother, size of cutting, and cell wall strength they will wilt a little, or not. If you get a embolism (air bubble in the stem) your...
  8. S

    SM-90 How good is it?

    Experiment: I just made a quart of ro water and added about a teaspoon of sm-90. It took the ph from 7.5 to 8.4. Then I added 3 drops of advanced ph down and the ph came out at 5.4. It should be easy to knock your ph down with either plant p.h. down or epson salts.
  9. S

    Please check your sick plant thread. I left a post. I don't think that was salt buildup. P.M...

    Please check your sick plant thread. I left a post. I don't think that was salt buildup. P.M. me & I'll give you better contact info. I'm new to riu & unshure If I can get p.m's.
  10. S

    White stuff on the bottom of my rockwooled clones-mold?

    Mineral salts... I don't think so. If it where mineral salts then they should have risen to the top of your cubes. I don't see how you could get that much salt buildup from watering cubes one or two times with almost plain water. If it is salt buildup then I don't think your clones will take...
  11. S

    Max Yield Equation

    If you're trying to work within the California guidelines then you can have either 6 adult OR 12 immature plants.
  12. S

    Two plants in one!

    I used to graft one clone onto another in a similar way. This method works. Cannabis can be grafted easily to make a circus plant (Circus mothers). If you just want a stronger root stock you can cut away the bottom half of one and the top half of the other. My idea was to take a 12 week...
  13. S

    Spider Mite Control

    Pyrethrum is HIGHLY TOXIC TO CATS! Regarding the rest of this very good thread: I didn't hear anything about Stirrup M. Stirrup M is an excellent product. It will get the mites to move around and eat on different parts of a plant/grow room. If you can't get 100% coverage with either...
  14. S

    A Guide To Recognising & Removing Bugs

    Um not exactly. You don't want to be in your room when a pyrethrin bomb is being used. Any of the a aerosol pyretrum/pyrethrin insecticides is likely to have piperonyl butoxide. Piperonyl butoxide is nasty stuff, bad for humans. Also Pyretrum breaks down quickly in sunlight. Spray/bomb at...
  15. S

    Bug control guide, Everything from Erradication to Prevention.

    Wow.... Lots of poison in the weed. Notice i said IN the weed. You really don't have to use systemic insecticides on your plants to get rid of fungus gnats and root aphids. It's WAY easier,and cheaper, but totally unnecessary. The following will work on hydroponic indoor grows...