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  1. S

    plz help me figure out timing for a perpetual grow

    Ya I get it. So you want to re-invent the wheel. I did that!!! We all do that! No good grower ever listens. All of the really good growers I know experiment f things up and learn. So here is my advice: at the very least make yourself a mother/clone room. It's not that much space...
  2. S

    props? wheres my rep?

    props? wheres my rep?
  3. S

    Gibberellic Acid ?

    Why wouldn't you want to self pollinate a plant? What if you had an elite clone and wanted seeds? Wouldn't you be likely to get a close match to the origina?
  4. S

    I dont have spider mites... I have SUPER MITES !!

    No pest strips. Kills the mites and the grower... NICE! Says right on the side of it not for use near food products. Didn't know avid was for use on greenhouse plants in Canada, good to know. Is it legal to use on food crops in the U.S.?
  5. S

    Answer this bitches!!!

    400w on ROOTED clones should be fine. If you're worried start with the light 5 or six feet away and lower it every day until you're either too close due to heat, or your plants are getting what you think is a little too much light and move it up.
  6. S

    Clone Review Section Request :)

    I'm not on craigslist. Probably should be. IMHO The best places to go are Harborside, Blue Sky, and one place in SF... can't remember the name right now. Technically I think blue sky buys their clones from another business owned by the Jeff Miron. Show up at 8am you won't see clones until...
  7. S

    Need anything?

    Need anything?
  8. S

    I dont have spider mites... I have SUPER MITES !!

    You could have saved a lot time by just typing in "I live in the woods in (Santa Cruz, Gurnvill, ECT) so I've got mites. :-?
  9. S

    +rep for help with cloning

    ummm no. Don't make a good seal. Your clones need a little bit of airflow. You're using soil right? If they don't make it this time, try microwaving your soil to kill pathogens.
  10. S

    Mold on Buds?

    You have powdery mildew. It might be a little late in the game to fix the problem, but here you go. If this happened to me I would spray my plants with gc3 garlic extract(shulps makes a similar product), or plain water with some ph up added. You are kinda screwed. The garlic extract spray...
  11. S

    need help sexing these clones, i know!

    They do look like hermies. I can't say for sure. mf j4 and mf j6 look.... wrong to me. Looks to me like hermies.
  12. S

    First DWC attempt, How bout some tips from a seasoned vet (PICS)

    I thought foxfarm grow big was for use with soil plants. The problem I see looks like a minor ph fluctuation, but unsure. I think you might want to get hydroponic nutes. A good rule of thumb is to start at 75% of full strength and work your way up. While you are at it you might want to get...
  13. S

    Is it normal to droop and go back up in night and first daylight hours

    I always thought that this was due to the plant trying to follow the sun(light). Without light they droop a little. Just a theory.
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    Stalk Problem

    White callus are potential spots for roots to develop. If they are white then don't worry, or bury the clone deeper.
  15. S

    Dying?? help!?

    looks like minor root damage. Nothing to stress about.
  16. S

    found a hermie in my flowering, am i too late?

    Trash it all! Seeds will carry bad hermi genetics. Be smart, pull the flowers and clean your space. You're better off counting this one up to experience.
  17. S

    Problem Need Experienced Help!!!

    ummm I see what looks like a healthy plat that has either a couple of scrapes on a leaf or two, or caterpillar, or leaf miners. Is this a new strain? It looks healthy to my eyes.
  18. S

    Whitefly problem

    White flies are woous compared to spider mites. Try pyrethrum bombs for medium and large grows. Sm-90, soap and water, neem ect, soap oil and water ect. None of these should hurt early in flower.
  19. S

    SM-90 How good is it?

    Sm-90 suffocates insects. I don't think it will do anything to sap sucking insects when used in your res. It is essentially a kind of liquid dish soap. The reason to use sm90 in your res is to keep mold away & help with nute uptake/use less nutes.