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  1. S

    Tiger striped weed?

    yeah minor mag lock out. Try epson salts. if that doesn't work add cal+mag solution.
  2. S

    Plant sprouting too fast using LED's help

    25 watt cfl 1 inch above plant will fix.
  3. S

    1 day of no light and plant dieing???

    if it goes into flower & you don't re-veg it long enough, then yes it will most likely hermi
  4. S

    Pistils starting to turn brown?

    omg those look karma stressed. It' rare but there's a solution. If you want your plants to live then when they are harvested give me some bud. If you don't they will die & you won't have any to give me, or for yourself. Think about it next time you smoke some.
  5. S

    Hi weird problem here

    Keep the plant until it dies, might be heat. I suggest you get a computer fan and cut a hole in the cabinet.
  6. S

    Spider Mite Control

    Correction florimite label now states "3day" b4 harvest. Avid is listed for ornamentals only.
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    Spider Mite Control

    Azatawhatever in the res will not kill mites. It will kill fugus gnats and root aphid.
  8. S

    Spider Mite Control

    Isn't that a nasty systemic?
  9. S

    Mould on rockwool cube

    If the algae gets bad it will inhibit the capillary action of the rockwool and prevent proper drainage. If it's not to bad then use some black and white poly to block light from getting to the top of your rockwool cubes. It...
  10. S

    sorry if i was a little twisted when I talked to you last. I'll let you know when I'm coming down.

    sorry if i was a little twisted when I talked to you last. I'll let you know when I'm coming down.
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    Spider Mite Control

    You can get soil mites from soil not spider mites. If you don't have any powdery mildew/ mold issues you can boil water in your room. I know this sounds nuts, but if you get the temp up to about 90 and your humidity above 80 % it will kill all of the adult mites in less than an hour. More...
  12. S

    Clone Review Section Request :)

    If you wanted to charge a small fee for it I would pay. You could have a sub category for it just like you have for seed companies. Thanks, Skoob
  13. S

    Gibberellic Acid ?

    lol your icon and inbreeding!
  14. S

    In Los Angeles- Medical Pot Proposal Erases Compassion

    It's illegal to sell marijuana, even medical marijuana. It's legal to provide medical marijuana and ask for a donation. Irot's similar to what non-profit museums do. If you go to a non profit museum they have a listed price for entrance, but if you just give them $1 and ask for a ticket, they...
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    Medical Marijuana curing Epilepsy/Seizures

    ask lady night administrator on wt. She has the same condition.
  16. S

    Got caught by the boys

    Can't believe I'm posting on the dipshit thread! No one cares if you go to the burn out of the old byron hotel. During wwII it was a pow interrogation camp (like gitmo). I don't think elvis stayed here. At best it's going to be bulldozed, just don't spook the cows next door, or fall thru a...
  17. S

    Broken stem with big nugs!!?

    Not because of a broken stem with no sap shooting up. Watch for mold, pm, ect. If the buds above the break start to turn golden cut them off.
  18. S

    I fucking hate dealers

    Ummm just reality talking here. Maybe you should keep an extra week or two worth of bud around. I know!!! If your buddy & peeps can't provide you with what you want then maybe, just maybe, find someone who can. I'm certain that within ten miles of where you live there is someone else who...
  19. S

    Stupidest thing you've done high?

    You totally deserved it when Sarah punched you out cold.:hug:
  20. S

    Spider Mite Control

    There's no such thing as a BIG spidermite. There are small spiders. Spidermites are tiny. like the size of a pin head, but a little smaller.