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  1. coolio069

    Adams first wife before Eve..Its a crazy story

    The good die young believe it or not thats my story
  2. coolio069

    need help leaves curling up on both ends and shrivling up

    no nutes no burn right just the right nutes anyways.
  3. coolio069

    need help leaves curling up on both ends and shrivling up

    well see in a few says what they do with out light on the sides where there burning i guess what u call it.
  4. coolio069

    need help leaves curling up on both ends and shrivling up

    well got pic and have not heard any awners so i guess my problem is light issues they are to close amd thats my story and im sticking to it. every body has issues with nute burn and i dont cause they dont get none right now any info besides my awnerser to my own question..... whats up on pic...
  5. coolio069

    need help leaves curling up on both ends and shrivling up

    Just the ones on the sides mostly by the side lights? could that be i just unplonged the 2 side lights till i go to flow here quick should i turn off the lights and water the leaves real good maybe that will fix the few leaves give it a little shower or rain lol. but with the lights out for 4 to...
  6. coolio069

    need help leaves curling up on both ends and shrivling up

    appr 2 months old i put 10-10-4 sticks 2 days oago but it has organtic soil i got mg blue 24-8-16 but have not used any heard bad stuff and killed my other baby plant? has 6 cfl lights 2700 on top and one on each sides with refl what should i do
  7. coolio069

    need help leaves curling up on both ends and shrivling up

    A few leaves are curling up on both ends like a rolling paper lol any suggestions
  8. coolio069

    It's probably been asked at sometime but...

    frad at 420 says 6/18 to flower i dont know if id try it but he says 6 light 18 dark is what he uses. anyone heard this before
  9. coolio069

    feed sticks?? veg or flower

    so no sticks will htey kill my babies or just not worth a shit. just got laid off and thats all i got or mg blue shit it killed my last lant but it was a seedling too though, what about FLUSHING when and how often if at all
  10. coolio069

    feed sticks?? veg or flower

    Im close to 2 months and i bought some feed sticks and temp/humid. anyone used feed sticks for nutes 10-010-4. i also have mg the blue shit24/8/16 all purpose plant goodbut iv heard noting good on so for veg what should i use and im on 24/7 light and soon im going to flow stage 12/12cause the...
  11. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    IVE READ ALOT OF MORE LIGHTS THE MORE POETINCY OF BUT SO IN U GO 6/18 IT WONT GET ENOUGH LIGHT if more the light bulbs more bud poenticy that just dont sound right fred have you done 6/18 for months or what have u been experecing on the light hours is it better than 12/12 quicker flowering time...
  12. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    never heard 6/18 before but ill try it is it better than 12/12 for flowering?? i have cfl 2700k bulbs but do the put off red light cuase i have not seen no red cfl before, and what is soft white bulbs like the on is peoples houses regular bulbs. they put off good light to grow?? i
  13. coolio069

    which light are better

    thanks for the info clones grow quicker whats so big about clones besides keep the same stain. holla at u tomorrow stumps if ur on here.
  14. coolio069

    which light are better

    so little the number the beter it is is that right. a seed in dro ill talke off ur hands lol
  15. coolio069

    which light are better

    so is hydo better quicker and more yeild than dirt easier or harder Ive herd of my wifes step dad talk alot about dro when he was in washigton dc in the 70's or 80s 60 an 1/8 back then so is it beter than soil or what id think it would be harder is it i wants some info on dro
  16. coolio069

    which light are better

    do u use fox farm as fert or whats the best
  17. coolio069

    which light are better

    where can i get that at and what about some nutes tere probably hungry got some blus mg but i dont know it killed my other baby plan of the holagen or both i like the smell but people coming over might not lol
  18. coolio069

    is chorcoal ashes the same as wood ashes ??

    nobody has an anwser i burn alot of coal char tat is but i guess i will find some wood then
  19. coolio069

    which light are better

    what can i do about the smell with out puting a hole in my wall or celing for vent to go to the attic any way around it or just leave it like it is thats with 6 more 6700k lighs and splitters 2 can u get kick off her for a pic like i had earlier rock from fantatic 4 fing a bad ass chick fred at...
  20. coolio069

    which light are better

    390mAmp and its a meddium size cord whith a small one pluged in for the 2 lighs on the side. and it starting to smell in my room. I can make my own out of 10 gauge wire i work with lots of wire i brought home before i got laid off is that big enough