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  1. coolio069

    which light are better

    ther about 1'' away inch that is 4 26wat on top and 2 on sides i seen a little wilting this morning and had to move them up they were about 1'' away i guess 2 close but im good besides the 6700k huh dont wont a fire can it handle 12 lights on one extention cord. or run another one. so will it...
  2. coolio069

    which light are better

    so get some 6700k lights to how many can i use on an extetion cord with wout a fire i have a 3 way plug 2 are lights with shit load of 2 way spliter and a fan on hte other dont wont a fire got 3 boys 7 -3 and 1 year old dont wont a chance on a fire in my room am i safe to get 6 more but 6700k...
  3. coolio069

    which light are better

    cool i have 4 26 watt lights on top 2'' with shield but there 2700k got on accedent and a fan and 1 2700 26 watt on each side of her in closet no vent beside opening the door every day. do i need 6500 too or should i get som more lights with 6700k im at 6 26 watt 2700 right now what would u do...
  4. coolio069

    which light are better

    well check out my pic on newbie 1.5 months and read the tread or post good shit ull get a lol os lmao for shur i got pic of my shit reply bk on 1.5 months newbie if u can thanks for the info.
  5. coolio069

    which light are better

    hey stumps check out newbie central 1.5 months fred told me 6/18 to flower ever hear of it and 12/12 to veg whats up on that is that true or is he tring to fuck up my babies i dont know ill try it should i stumpie i have pic 2 on newbie 1.5 months old threat. take a look ang read some and tell...
  6. coolio069

    how to wire light socket

    thanks man
  7. coolio069

    well i got a q for u fred at 420 told me to go 6/18 to flower ever heard of it before. hit me...

    well i got a q for u fred at 420 told me to go 6/18 to flower ever heard of it before. hit me back i had the rock fucking ol girl but he told me 2 change it or ill get kicked off ive been talking 2 u for a few day bud hit me back.
  8. coolio069

    hey any help or u new 2 i think fred smoked a little 2 much iv never heard of 6 light 18 dark...

    hey any help or u new 2 i think fred smoked a little 2 much iv never heard of 6 light 18 dark have u to flower iv heard 12/12 hit me back
  9. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    whats the secret on 6/18 while flowering anyone thats the first anyone help me on this
  10. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    thats 2 much light i thoug to have short plants its good but 18/6 is better ill try it they will grow bigger that is true
  11. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    24 hours of 2700k of light i know its suppose 2 be 6700k but i got tje wrong lights will it do veg anyways 24 hours a day im on pure light or do i need th chang 6 light 18 dark im confused fred
  12. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    i dont think my soil is made my mg but i know is organic soil. and black man or somthing like that from big lots.
  13. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    6/18 6 hous light and 18 dark will that put my girls i hope in shock.not 12/12 should i make a clone fiist befor i do will it turn out better than what i got or the same or worse.
  14. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    i dont know what happen but i lost te last couple of post
  15. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    what does flush mean heard that before dont understand it water the hell out of it. it organtic soil by the way if that has any thind 2 do with it. where is foxfarm wher do i get it at.
  16. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    miss understanding lets start over im on light 24 hours a day all day. what should i do keep it or chang 18/6 18 being ligh 6 bieng dark.
  17. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    no dark at all fred all light all day all night buddie
  18. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    that seems back ass word to me 12/12 is for flow and i dont know any help ive been told 18/6 and 24/ for veg is that what u meant or do u know something speacail i need to hear.
  19. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    ive been on 24/7 but with no nudes ive got some blue mg ive read anit worth the shit which nudes and where or am i to late
  20. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    six on 18 off thats new with 6700 and 2700 lights. CFL or regular lighhts